With the modern treatment methods applied in dentistry, it has become easier to reach aesthetic teeth. With teeth whitening, closure of intermittent teeth, lamina veneer, tooth veneer and aesthetic zirconium tooth veneer applications, we can have teeth that can look more aesthetically pleasing.
Prices of dental implants and zirconium teeth
For some people, only teeth whitening is sufficient, while some patients may need orthodontic treatment and then other aesthetic dental treatments. For this reason, it would be very wrong to talk about the prices of aesthetic teeth. In general, even giving a price range is misleading.
However, it is important to remember that there are treatments that can be done at low costs to achieve aesthetic teeth.
Tooth veneers are divided according to the porcelain tooth veneer price or zirconium tooth veneer price according to the type of tooth veneer applied. In the simplest sense, if we consider that there is only one tooth that spoils the appearance, it may be possible to complete the aesthetic dental treatment with a treatment that is not very costly.
However, in some cases, all teeth may need to be treated for a beautiful appearance. In this case, the prices of aesthetic teeth will be much higher.
Aesthetic tooth coating, which does not contain metal, can now give the appearance of almost natural teeth. We know that one or two tooth problems in the area are resolved before all the teeth are covered. Today, a good craftsmanship can be made using quality materials, like the teeth on the top and incomprehensibly successful.
Zirconium Teeth
If you think there is a problem with your dental aesthetics, the right thing to do is to make an appointment with your dentist. You will be given detailed information about alternative treatments and the prices you need to be treated at the clinic.
Zirconium is the most preferred material in aesthetic dental applications. Zirconium dental veneers, which have significant advantages over other metal substructures compared to porcelain tooth veneers, are increasingly preferred.
What are the reasons for choosing zirconium teeth?
More for aesthetic purposes; In the treatment of advanced color changes that do not yield results with whitening methods, in discrete or less perplexed teeth such as diastema where orthodontic treatment method is not chosen, in old fillings with damaged structure, in restoration of teeth with excessive substance loss, in use as a bridge or coating on posterior group teeth. It is preferred for anterior group implant prostheses and to provide smile aesthetics.
Advantages of Zirconium Teeth
Zirconium Teeth in Turkey
Zirconium is an element with metal properties. Thanks to the innovations seen in the field of dentistry, zirconium is preferred for dental veneers today. While dental treatment was carried out using porcelain veneers in the past, the use of zirconium dental veneers has started to increase in recent years. Patients who encounter this veneer for the first time during dental treatment wonder what zirconium teeth mean. Zirconium is a coating material that replaces porcelain in today’s dentistry world. Zirconium, which gives a more natural tooth appearance than porcelain, is a veneer method preferred by many dentists.
What are the Benefits of Zirconium Dental Treatment?
Dental veneers can generally be examined in two main groups as metal-supported and non-metal-supported. Zirconium, which is in the metal-free group and started to be used instead of porcelain tooth veneers, is a frequently preferred veneer to give a natural appearance to the tooth.
Patients who want to have their teeth covered and wonder what zirconium teeth mean, also wonder about the benefits of this coating. Unlike the porcelain veneer, this veneer is not dark in color and does not cause a black reflection from around the gingiva. In addition, zirconium is a coating that is more compatible with the gums than porcelain.
How many days does the zirconium treatment take?
This application is completed in 1 week in people with good gums. It can be continued with a few rehearsals according to the person’s liking or until the satisfaction of the physician and the patient is seen.
Who can have zirconium application?
In order to have Zirconium teeth treatment in our clinic, you must be at least 21 years old.
Zirconium Teeth Price
For more information about zirconium veneers, please visit the price list page. You can contact us to get information about zirconium dental veneer prices. You can reach our Whatsapp line for free or call +905443480787
In which cases should obesity surgery be preferred?
Obesity is the excessive accumulation of fat in the body to the extent that it impairs health. Excessive and wrong eating habits, hormonal factors, sedentary lifestyle, genetic transition can cause obesity. Obesity is a disease that needs to be treated. Because untreated obesity; It causes many health problems such as diabetes, heart diseases, cancer, infertility and joint disorders.
Bariatric surgery is recommended for patients with a body mass index of 40 and above (morbidly obese) or a body mass index of over 55 and who cannot lose weight with methods such as medical nutrition, exercise, and medical treatment under the supervision of a specialist.
Obesity negatively affects the whole body
“Obesity can cause many co-morbidities such as sleep apnea, shortness of breath, stones in the gallbladder, heart diseases, along with metabolic disorders such as high blood pressure, diabetes, waist circumference, and fatty liver. If the waist circumference is 88 cm or more in women and 102 cm in men, it indicates that fat is stored around the waist due to unbalanced nutrition. The ideal waist circumference should be below 80 cm for women and 94 cm for men.”
Bariatric surgery is indicated as the only effective method for maintaining weight loss in patients with a body mass index of 35 and above or morbidly obese patients over 40. However, those who have a body mass index over 35 and have concomitant diseases, namely; Obesity surgery can be applied for patients receiving cardiovascular diseases and diabetes treatment, if they cannot get rid of adipose tissue.
If excess weight is not lost with diet and exercise, attention!
“It is very difficult to lose weight with diet and exercise in morbid obesity. The main goal of the treatment is to ensure that the person receives as much energy as he needs and to ensure that the accumulated fat is used by the body. For this, first of all, the person’s intake of excess calories is controlled by diet. In the diet program, it is necessary to take all kinds of nutrients, vitamins and elements in a balanced way in small amounts and to consume plenty of water.
Support should be obtained from a specialist dietitian for diet. Exercise is an activity that everyone should do regularly throughout their entire life. In obesity, brisk walking is the most appropriate form of exercise that can be recommended. Cycling and swimming are in second place. Surgical treatment is recommended for patients who cannot lose weight despite diet and exercise.
What is Bariatric Surgery?
Although the Body Mass Index is between 35 and 40, in people with obesity-related diseases (cardiovascular diseases, intense diabetes, frailty, joint disorders, respiratory problems) and in individuals with a body mass index of 40 or above, surgical interventions on the digestive systems to treat obesity; It is called obesity surgery.
Which method will be preferred in bariatric surgery varies from patient to patient. Bariatric surgery is used for patients who have been treated with all other treatment methods (diet program, exercise programs, behavior modification and drugs) before the surgical procedure, but for whom no success has been achieved.
The success of bariatric surgery largely depends on the behavior and lifestyle changes adopted by the patient after the surgery. Patients should meticulously follow the diet plan determined by the dietitian after the surgical procedure and also participate in behavioral therapy to change their attitudes towards nutrition and exercise.
Who can have bariatric surgery? Who is suitable for obesity surgery?
Bariatric surgery may be a good option in the following cases:
People with a body mass index between 35-40 and those with obesity-related diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, Type 2 diabetes, infertility, NAFLD, steatohepatitis (NASH), hypertension, sleep apnea
Patients with a body mass index over 40
Patients who cannot lose weight with methods such as medical nutrition, exercise and medical treatment under the supervision of a one-year expert
People who are not heavily addicted to alcohol or drugs
People who do not have a health condition that prevents surgery
Persons with full understanding and adaptability who can coordinate with the medical team after surgical procedures.
What are the risks of bariatric surgery?
As with every surgical procedure, some health risks may occur in bariatric surgery, both in the short and long term. As a matter of fact, bariatric surgeries do not carry more risks than any surgical procedure.
Risks associated with the surgical procedure may include:
Adverse reactions to anesthesia
blood clots
Lung or breathing problems
Leaks in the gastrointestinal tract
Life risk (Same as any gene surgery)
What are the types of obesity surgery?
Methods in bariatric surgery vary according to gender, weight, disease, age, and whether there is a desire for pregnancy in the future in women. The goals of all types of bariatric surgery are sustainable weight loss, improvement in quality of life and elimination of complications caused by obesity. There are various types of bariatric surgery methods that differ from each other in terms of surgical procedure technique and long-term results.
Obesity surgery methods can be listed as follows:
Gastric band (Stomach clamp)
The doctor surgically places a biocompatible adjustable band on the upper part of the stomach just below the esophagus so that the stomach is divided into two parts. The tape is attached via tube to a subcutaneous access port in the abdominal wall where it can be inflated or deflated through the skin with a needle. The place where the band is placed on the stomach looks like an hourglass. Meals eaten with this surgical method are collected in the upper part and do not pass to the lower part. This method is less popular today. Because while hormones send signals to the brain to eat, the stomach, which is clamped, allows this situation. The feeling of hunger continues, the person continues to eat because he is hungry. As a matter of fact, this situation also causes vomiting.
Note: The gastric band has lost its effectiveness in recent years, and it is a method that we do not use anymore.
Gastric sleeve surgery (Sleeve Gastretomy)
Sleeve gastrectomy is a surgical procedure in which most of the stomach is removed by leaving a 100-150 ml gastric tube. During the procedure, a certain part of the stomach is surgically removed and a tube-shaped stomach (looks like a banana) is left behind. In addition, since the part of the stomach that secretes hunger hormone is removed, the feeling of hunger in the patient decreases. In other words, the feeling that the stomach is full prevents overeating.
Gastric sleeve surgery is restrictive, and the absorption of nutrients is not impaired by this method. Since the absorption of food continues in the same way, the patient does not need to take supplementary vitamin or mineral supplements.
The application of the sleeve gastrectomy method is relatively easier than other types of bariatric surgery. The success of sleeve gastrectomy surgery is permanent; however, it is of great importance that this method is applied to the right people.
Patients should be seen by a dietitian before and after the surgical procedure. The duty of the dietitian here is to prescribe the food to the patients.
What are the advantages of sleeve gastrectomy surgery:
There is a regression in diseases caused by obesity such as type II diabetes, hypertension and sleep apnea.
Reduced stomach volume provides a feeling of fullness
There is no problem in consuming most foods
Dumping syndrome is not seen after sleeve gastrectomy procedure
The hunger stimulating hormone produced in a part of the stomach is reduced.
It is a method that can be applied more easily than gastric bypass surgery.
There is no foreign body effect like gastric band.
The success of sleeve gastrectomy surgery is permanent.
Weight loss is easy after this procedure
What are the disadvantages-risks of sleeve gastrectomy surgery?
Risk of staple line leakage
Less weight loss compared to gastric bypass
Risk of regaining lost weight in a small proportion of patients
Complaints of nausea/vomiting if too much food is eaten
Reflux risk
Intolerance in some foods
Gastric Bypass
Gastric Bypass – Also called Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. Gastric Bypass procedure is one of the most common types of obesity surgery, such as sleeve gastrectomy surgeries. Bypass means using the shortcut.
Gastric bypass generally means establishing a passageway from the stomach to the intestines. There are also modifications of this method such as mini gastric bypass and biliopancreatic diversion. The success of these surgical procedures in weight loss for obesity patients is slightly higher than the sleeve gastrectomy operation. The common purpose of gastric bypass surgeries is to shrink the stomach and ensure that the consumed foods reach the intestines faster.
Two conditions are targeted with gastric bypass surgery. First, the person’s calorie intake is restricted, and secondly, the absorption of the edible nutrients is reduced. While patients can be discharged in 2-4 days in sleeve gastrectomy, this period increases to 4-6 days in gastric bypass surgery.
Obesity Surgery in Turkey, Antalya
What is a mini gastric bypass?
Compared to volume-restricting techniques, mini gastric bypass stands out in terms of better weight loss and more effective healing of comorbidities. In the Mini-Gastric Bypass, the stomach is formed as a tube using special stapler tools.
What are the advantages of Gastric Bypass?
Rapid realization of targeted weight loss for 18-24 months
Clear regression in diseases such as Type 2 diabetes, hypertension, sleep apnea, GERD associated with obesity
Noticeable increase in quality of life
What are the disadvantages-risks of Gastric Bypass surgery?
Staple leakage
Increased risk of gallstones due to rapid weight loss
Internal hernia
Duodenal Switch surgery
Duodenal Switch surgery, like gastric bypass, is one of the surgical procedures that have both restrictive and absorption-reducing effects. This method is mostly used for people with a body mass index of more than 50 Kg/m2 or in the treatment of Type 2 diabetes. Duodenal Switch is an effective method in the treatment of diseases such as obesity-related diabetes and hypertension.
However, it has some side effects such as diarrhea. In addition, patients with Duodenal Switch surgery stay in the hospital longer than patients who undergo other obesity surgery. Vitamin, iron and protein deficiencies are also frequently seen after Duodenal Switch surgery, which has absorption-reducing effects.
What is robotic bariatric surgery?
The use of Da Vinci Robotic Surgery technology in laparoscopic bariatric surgeries all over the world offers special privileges to doctors and patients. Due to the anatomical structures of obesity patients, the extra precision required in such surgeries can be achieved with the robot’s non-vibrating arms and the ability to move with great grace in the patient’s abdomen.
Robot technology, which provides a three-dimensional and high-resolution image to the surgeon, also allows the protection of organs, tissues and nerves adjacent to the area where the operation is performed. In some groups of patients, the procedures that can be performed through several or a single hole without creating an incision, eliminates the aesthetic concerns of the patients.
In bariatric surgery, sleeve gastrectomy and gastric bypass surgeries are successfully performed using robot technology.
The privileges of robot technology for patients and doctors can be listed as follows:
Since the surgery is performed with a closed technique and only a few holes, the risk of infection that can be seen due to the contact of the organs with air in open surgeries is eliminated.
Thanks to robot technology, the surgeon performs the surgery with a 3-dimensional and digital view, with an opportunity where the patient’s nerves, veins, muscles and tissues are more protected from the risk of injury.
Thanks to the robot technology, a large surgical incision is not formed on the patient’s body. After the procedure, which is completed through several holes instead of a large incision, the risk of infection of the patient is reduced to almost non-existent and he has a comfortable recovery period with less pain.
Since the patient’s discharge, return to daily life and recovery time are shortened, and pain control is provided, the patient is fed orally in a shorter time and the body regains its resistance.
After achieving the quality of daily life, the patient can return to work and social life more quickly.
Would you like to receive information about treatment options? You can reach us via whatsapp or phone call! +905443480787
Check-Up is a health screening that aims to detect possible diseases at an early stage and to take precautions, taking into account the age, hereditary structure and environmental factors. Having a check-up enables early diagnosis of diseases that are difficult to treat in advanced stages, so that treatment can be started as soon as possible.
Personalized Check-Up Program is applied for the diagnosis and treatment of possible diseases and risks, which are created according to age and gender. In line with the results obtained with this method called “Health Risk Assessment”, your necessary guidance and controls are carried out in a short time.
Our Check Up consultants accompanying our guests in Check Up units in hospitals and medical centres follow the process with a system that minimizes patient circulation.
What Does Check Up Cover?
Check-up is not an examination consisting only of analysis and examination. The examinations performed after the disease occurs are also not check-ups. During the check-up, not only the laboratory tests of the patient are examined and evaluated, but better evaluations can be made with the interviews with the patient before the check-up.
Check-up is an evaluation made in accordance with the doctor’s interview with the patient, laboratory and radiological examinations. The health status of the patient is evaluated, taking into account the life, diet, habits and familial risks of the person.
According to the check-up results, the patient is informed about the issues that should be done and should be considered. If a condition is diagnosed or the patient has a health problem, the patient is directed to the right department.
Why Should You Have It?
Your risks that could turn into a disease in the future can be determined. It plays an important role in the early diagnosis of your diseases.
Check-Up Programs
How to Check-Up? How much will it take?
For check-up, you first need to make an appointment at a hospital or medical center that has been checked up. The doctor responsible for the check-up asks questions about the medications you use and the diseases you have had before. Accordingly, the scope of the check-up is determined, and the doctor informs the person if there are any medications that should be used or discontinued before the check-up.
On the day of the appointment, when you come to the check-up center on an empty stomach (with a hunger for 8-10 hours), blood and urine tests are taken, and imaging methods such as heart electrode (ECG), lung film, abdominal ultrasound are used. Tests such as mammography and PSA test are performed according to the age and gender of the person. Endoscopic examinations can be planned over the age of 50.
Check-up time may differ depending on the panel content. Your results are ready on the same day and / or on the following days depending on the examinations in the check-up panel.
For women between the ages of 20 – 40;
It is recommended to have a general health examination, basic blood tests, urine analysis, chest radiography, breast examination and gynaecological examination once a year.
For Men Between the ages of 20 – 40;
It is recommended to have a general health examination, basic blood tests, urine analysis and chest radiography once a year.
For Women Over 40;
It is recommended to have a general health examination, basic blood tests, urine analysis, ECG, chest radiography, mammography, fecal occult blood test, gynaecological examination annually.
For Men Over 40;
Annual general health examination, basic blood tests, urine analysis, ECG, chest X-ray, stool occult blood test, urological examination are recommended.
For Women and Men Over 50;
After the age of 50, in addition to the above controls, both women and men should have colonoscopy and endoscopy at frequencies determined according to risk groups and perform periodic follow-up according to the result, even if they do not have any complaints. On the other hand, men should apply to the urology department during this period and have their prostate-specific examinations and tests done.
Remember that people who smoke, have a family history, have health problems such as diabetes or high blood pressure, in addition to the above controls, should have a Stress ECG and cardiology control at the age of 40 and after 2 years at the latest.
VIP Check up programs
Check Up Preparation
Since the examinations to be applied to you require some preparation, we kindly ask you to consider the following suggestions. If you follow these suggestions, it will ensure that the procedures go quickly, the waiting time between examinations is shortened and the examinations are completed in the most accurate way.
On the day of the transaction, depending on your preparation status and the density of the departments, the changes that may occur during the program will be communicated to you by the check-up officials.
For laboratory tests, approximately 12-14 hours of fasting is required before taking blood. Water is allowed, but cigarettes, sugar, chewing gum and foods containing caffeine should not be used. We ask our paediatric patients to come as hungry as possible.
One day before the appointment, alcohol should not be consumed and light foods should be consumed at dinner.
If your program includes abdomen ultrasound, you must be hungry and your bladder must be full (urge to urinate). For this reason, we recommend that you start drinking water at the appropriate time on the day of your transactions, in line with the instructions of the check-up authorities, and not to urinate after you start drinking water.
If your program includes a Stress ECG test, it is recommended that you bring a towel, spare athlete, sportswear and sports shoes.
For our female patients; if your program includes mammography, we kindly request you to take a shower and not to use creams, perfumes and similar materials. It is appropriate to shoot between the 3rd and 10th days of the menstrual period.
If you have medicines that you use regularly, you can continue taking them before your check-up. Do not forget to specify the medications you use in your consultation with the doctor.
Please bring your old test results with you, if available.
Check Up Programs
It is planned according to the age, gender, genetic characteristics, lifestyle, past health history of the person. Risk factors of the person are also taken into consideration. For example, while screening is important in terms of prostate cancer in middle-aged men, breast and uterine screenings are gaining importance in middle-aged women. Screening programs can be applied to people who are prone to various diseases.
Women General Check Up, Male General Check Up, Child Check Up and Child Heart Health Check Up, Always Young Geriatrics Check Up, Heart and Lung Screening Programs, Diabetes Panel, Oncological Nutrition Programs and Diet Programs.
Can disease risks be eliminated with check-up?
Many environmental and lifestyle risks other than genetic risks can be eliminated or reduced. Not only examinations, but also a detailed background, query of familial risks, examination and self-examination information should be provided to the patient.
The risks (including the treatment risks) increase exponentially once the disease has arisen. The most rational way of dealing with the disease is to take measures with regular health checks.
Who Should Have Check Up? Why is it important for a healthy person to have a check up once a year?
It is very important for a healthy person to have a check-up once a year, especially in understanding the risks that do not cause early symptoms, that is, they do not cause clinical complaints. Risks can be elucidated by both laboratory tests and a detailed medical history query and examination.
The person is informed in this way and is directed to lead a more risk-free life. The annual health check is important for your physician to compare the results from the previous year and to monitor changes and risks in your health.
From adulthood, even if you do not have any complaints or concerns, you can prevent possible diseases with the health check you will have once a year.
The Role of Check-Up in Early Detection of Diseases
If the disease can be caught at a stage where it has not yet manifested with regular health screenings, measures can be taken before many diseases reach advanced stages.
Our lifestyle has changed a lot in the last few centuries. Toxins, ionizing radiation and refined foods are risk factors for many diseases, especially cancer. With check-up, measures can be taken before the disease occurs, against increasing disease risks.
Cardiovascular diseases can be caught and eradicated or treated at an early stage.
With check-up programs created according to risk factors such as genetics, gender, age, and race, the early signs of these risks can be evaluated.
Self-examination training can be given during check-up.
Oral cancers can be prevented with a dental examination.
A dietician is encouraged to make positive changes in the diet.
Contact Us
Please call us for detailed information and prices about our check-up packages. Phone & Whatsapp: +905443480787
Our consultants will provide you with the most appropriate options after receiving the necessary information from you.
Diabetes or the problems that arise due to diabetes create a serious social burden. The main purpose of diabetes is to treat the disease with non-surgical methods, not surgical methods. In addition, preventive treatment methods that will ensure that the disease does not occur at all are very popular.
In spite of all these, it is obligatory to apply surgical intervention to patients who have diabetes and who cannot get rid of diabetes by non-surgical methods.
Diabetes surgery prices vary according to the type of surgery. Ileal interposition surgeries are more expensive than transit bipartition surgeries.
The main reason for this is that ileal interposition surgeries take longer than transit bipartition surgeries. Since diabetes surgery has been performed for many years, the number of specialist metabolic surgeons is quite high. Transit bipartition has been implemented for 10 years and is gaining new popularity.
Apart from the type of surgery, there are dozens of different factors in determining the prices of surgery. Hospital conditions, date of surgery, intensity, condition of the patient, risks of the intervention are among the main factors. Since the prices may vary from patient to patient, it is not possible to say a clear price. After a detailed examination, prices are determined and declared to the patient.
The price of Type 2 Diabetes surgery applied to our patients in our hospital is 3450€
If you want to get detailed information about the subject, you can reach us from our consultation form or you can contact us directly from our WhatsApp line: +905443480787
Is Type 2 Diabetes Surgery Difficult?
The information that allows diabetes surgeries to be performed is the complete resolution of small intestine functions. The entire intestinal system, stomach, and esophagus continue to exist as a whole. It is imperative that the interventions to be made in these areas are planned in as fine details as possible.
Underlying diabetes surgery is the rearrangement of the digestive system. This purpose can also bring along many hormone problems. The difficulty of Type 2 diabetes surgeries is not caused by the surgical intervention, but by the hormone balance and the post-operative process.
Diabetes has different effects on each patient. Feet, hands, eyes or other tissues can be damaged. In addition, hormone balance is impaired, mobility decreases and eating habits are also negative.
The process of analyzing all of these, checking the suitability of the patient for diabetes surgery and taking it into operation is difficult. Patients who are not treated with the appropriate method cannot get rid of diabetes; it can even be negatively affected.
After verifying the patients’ suitability for the operation and method with various tests, the operation phase is quite simple. Operations applied with the closed method provide the comfort of both the doctor and the patient.
Since the patient is operated under general anesthesia, he does not feel pain or ache. In addition, the fact that measures are taken according to the risks that may occur during or after the operation also facilitates the process. In the most general sense, diabetes surgeries are quite simple if the appropriate patient is combined with the appropriate method and the process is controlled by a specialist surgeon.
Regardless of the method used, the digestive system is rearranged after type 2 diabetes surgery. Hormone balance is also the target of this regulation. In addition, reducing the stomach volume is also supportive of the process.
All these changes cause great changes in the life of the patient. Serious changes begin within six months after the operation in patients who successfully survive all processes. Feeling hungry too late, maintaining the feeling of satiety for a long time, not consuming too much food in volume are the factors that provide these changes.
Patients are busy with the effects of the surgery for the first three months. During this period, physical recovery takes place. At the same time, the period in which a new nutritional habit is gained to a large extent is the first three months. The person can lose seven to eight kilos per month. By the end of the first year, he loses approximately sixty to eighty percent of his excess weight. Patients who lose this much in weight become more successful in social life.
Those who have Type 2 diabetes surgery get rid of their illness to a great extent at the end of the first year.
With their recovery from their illnesses, there is a serious increase in their mobility.
Since eating habits change, psychological relief is provided. The person stops constantly thinking about what, how and how much to eat. After leaving this stressful process, he relaxes mentally.
Tissue damage due to diabetes begins to heal. Improvements are seen in both physical appearance and organ functions.
Patients who have suffered from various suffering due to diabetes, lived an uncomfortable life and were isolated from social life in the period leading up to Type 2 diabetes surgery, start to live their lives again with the realization of diabetes surgery.
It is possible to call life after diabetes surgery as the second spring. In the period after the first year, it is possible to lead a comfortable life without recurring diabetes by paying attention to various factors.
Will Diabetes Become Again After Type 2 Diabetes Surgery?
There are two different types of surgery performed to treat diabetes and eliminate diabetes-related problems. Among these surgeries, ileal interposition surgeries have been performed for a longer time and naturally they contain longer-term data on their results.
Transit bipartition surgeries have been applied intensively since 2010. We have twelve years of data, including the experimental process.
During the surgical treatment of Type 2 diabetes, both stomach and intestines are intervened. These interventions are not tolerable or reversible by the digestive system. In other words, what is done after surgical intervention is permanent. Of course, there are rare cases where the bowel ends start to act like a stomach, but these are known as patients who do not pay attention to what needs attention.
If everything is done correctly after diabetes surgery, there is no possibility of diabetes recurrence. The available data show that blood glucose is controlled without medication in patients undergoing related surgeries.
In addition, tissue damage is greatly improved. Today, the definitive solution of diabetes is in surgical methods.
But; The application of these methods does not mean that the patient can live as he / she wants and consume as much sugar as he / she wants. If the things to be considered are neglected, the digestive system is in order to gain weight and bring sugar back. The reduced stomach volume changes and the intestinal entrance begins to act as a stomach.
Transit bipartition surgeries give successful results.
If you want to get detailed information about the subject, you can reach us from our consultation form or you can contact us directly from our WhatsApp line.