Gum Surgery

Gum Surgery

Gum Surgery;  What Do I Need To Know?

gum disease

Your dentist has recommended that you see a periodontist, a dental specialist who treats periodontal disease. Periodontal disease is a bacterial infection that infects the gum tissue causing inflammation, redness, swelling and loss of bone around the teeth. It can affect one tooth or many.

There are several types of gum surgeries that your dentist might recommend if you’ve developed gum disease (also known as periodontal disease). The most common cause of gum disease is when excessive bacteria buildups in your mouth and create excess plaque and your body is unable to fight the infection. Certain factors, however, including medications and chronic illnesses, can make someone more susceptible to gum disease even if he or she follows a thorough oral care routine.

Gum Grafting Surgery

What is gum grafting surgery? It is a procedure done by a periodontist to mitigate recession of the gums. Recession takes place when gums are pulled down over time by movement of the teeth, excessively harsh brushing, or something else, like gum disease.

The procedure involves moving flesh from elsewhere in the mouth (e.g., the roof of the mouth) to the recessed gum to plump it up around the tooth and provide a safer barrier.

Gum Grafting at our Dental Clinic Turkey

Gum surgery poor genetics to gum disease, there are a number of contributing factors which can cause the gums to pull away from teeth. Known as gum recession, this condition is both aesthetically unappealing and can compromise the overall health of the smile by leaving tooth roots exposed and vulnerable to decay.​

Gum grafting helps restore the look of healthy gums while protecting exposed roots.

Following an in-depth evaluation of your gums as well as discussion on your ultimate smile goals, our periodontists may recommend one of the following gum grafting treatment options:

Connective Tissue Grafts: Ideal for treating root exposure, this form of soft tissue grafting uses either donor connective tissue or the underlying tissue from the palate to cover areas of exposure.

Free Gingival Grafts: Our Pasadena periodontists use the top layer of tissue from the roof of the mouth to cover exposed roots and areas with thinning gingiva.

Pedicle Grafts: Tissue is taken from the surrounding area and a flap, or pedicle is created to expose the root. Grafted tissue is then placed in the area and the flap is sutured back in place.

Will Surgery Hurt?

Your surgery will be done under local anaesthesia. You should feel little or no discomfort. Following surgery, the treated area may be slightly tender, sore or swollen.

You may be prescribed analgesics (painkillers) to relieve post-surgical discomfort; antibiotics to prevent infection.

Most patients resume their normal routine the day after surgery

What Should I Watch Out For After Surgery?

Some facial swelling and bruising is expected after surgery. You can reduce this with a cold pack against the cheek for the first 6-8hrs post operatively

If a periodontal dressing has been applied over the wound, do not be alarmed if it breaks off after 2-3 days. The pieces can be discarded.

Avoid chewing hard foods in the surgical area for several days.

Brush your other teeth as usual, and use the antibacterial mouthrinse prescribed to keep the surgical site clean.

If sutures have been placed, you will be given a date to have them removed

Following some types of periodontal surgery, the teeth may be more sensitive to hot and cold sensations. The sensitivity will lessen during the first few weeks after surgery.

What can I do to help control the disease?

Periodontal disease can and will recur if you do not follow a strict programme of supportive therapy

In addition to regular professional dental check-ups, your home oral care is important. |

Daily removal of plaque through proper brushing, flossing and other recommended cleaning methods will safeguard your teeth for a lifetime.

What is the Periodontitis?

Are you worried about the loss of teeth? Do you think there is the possibility of one or more of your teeth being lost? There are several reasons why someone is at risk of tooth loss and the problem can affect anyone at any age.

There are a number of reasons that as adults, we can lose our teeth. You can lose teeth in an accident or as a result of medical conditions, but one of the leading causes of lost teeth is the serious, irreversible stage of gum disease called peridontitis.  Healthy gums are vital to the health of your teeth.

Gum Disease and PeriodontitisPeriodontitis is often known as ‘Gum Disease’ and is a very common condition in which the gums and deeper periodontal structures become inflamed. This inflammation of the gums, which usually takes the form of redness, swelling and a tendency to bleed during tooth brushing, is the body’s response to certain bacteria that have been allowed to accumulate on the teeth.

Although part of the body’s defence system, this inflammatory response can eventually cause serious damage. If left unchecked, the inflammation can spread down below the gums and along the roots of the teeth, causing destruction of the periodontal ligament and the supporting bone. This ultimately leads to the loosening and potential loss of the teeth.

The journey of gum disease begins with a build up of plaque bacteria, which can irritate the gums. This can make them red and swollen and they may also bleed when you brush and floss. These are the signs of the first stage of gum disease, gingivitis. If this is left untreated it can develop into the irreversible second stage, periodontitis and eventually tooth loss.

This is because the build-up of plaque bacteria can cause the gums to recede from the teeth, leaving tiny spaces where more plaque can collect and infections occur. Left untreated, these infections may impact the bone and tissues in your gums that provide the support structure for your teeth, if this is damaged, teeth may become loose.

Periodontitis (or periodontal disease) is a bacterial infection of the specialised tissues, ligaments and bones that surround and support your teeth, collectively known as the periodontium.

Periodontitis is the final destination on the journey of gum disease. Unlike gingivitis, it cannot be reversed and often has serious, long lasting consequences for how your teeth and gums look and feel. It may lead to the permanent loss of teeth. For this reason, it is extremely important that you do not let things get this far, and become aware of the periodontitis symptoms. Periodontitis treatment requires medical or dental attention.

Symptoms of periodontitis can include:

  • bad breath
  • an unpleasant taste in your mouth
  • loose teeth
  • gum abscesses

During the first part of a dental check up your dentist may take what is called a ‘history’, which helps the dentist to build up a picture of your health and risk factors. You may be asked questions like these:

  • Are you experiencing any signs of gum disease, such as bleeding or swollen gums?
  • Have you had treatment for gum disease before?
  • Do you smoke or do you have a family history of gum disease?
  • Questions about your oral health routine, such as how often do you brush your teeth?

By asking these questions your dentist can work out if you are more likely to have gum disease. If you have had previous dental treatment for gum disease, or have early symptoms of gum disease it alerts your dentist to potential problems. If you smoke or have a family history of gum disease you are at higher risk and if you don’t have a good oral health routine then you are more likely to suffer from gum problems.

What are the risk factors for periodontitis?

There are a number of factors that increase your chance of developing periodontitis and make it more likely to progress. Well-known risk factors include stress, some systemic diseases such as diabetes, and – most importantly – smoking.

How is periodontitis treated?

With careful assessment and treatment, it is usually possible to completely halt the progress of periodontitis. The key to success is to eliminate the bacterial plaque which is triggering the disease process and to establish excellent oral hygiene practices.

Our Best Services Included

  • Special Consultation
  • Panoramic X-ray
  • Temporary Crown
  • Tomography
  • Medicine (Antibiotic and Painkiller)
  • Ice-Pack
  • Transfer Services (Hotel to Clinic)
  • Local Anaesthesia

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