Check-Up Packages


What is a Check-Up?

Check-Up is a health screening that aims to detect possible diseases at an early stage and to take precautions, taking into account the age, hereditary structure and environmental factors. Having a check-up enables early diagnosis of diseases that are difficult to treat in advanced stages, so that treatment can be started as soon as possible.

Personalized Check-Up Program is applied for the diagnosis and treatment of possible diseases and risks, which are created according to age and gender. In line with the results obtained with this method called “Health Risk Assessment”, your necessary guidance and controls are carried out in a short time.

Our Check Up consultants accompanying our guests in Check Up units in hospitals and medical centres follow the process with a system that minimizes patient circulation.

What Does Check Up Cover?

Check-up is not an examination consisting only of analysis and examination. The examinations performed after the disease occurs are also not check-ups. During the check-up, not only the laboratory tests of the patient are examined and evaluated, but better evaluations can be made with the interviews with the patient before the check-up.

Check-up is an evaluation made in accordance with the doctor’s interview with the patient, laboratory and radiological examinations. The health status of the patient is evaluated, taking into account the life, diet, habits and familial risks of the person.

According to the check-up results, the patient is informed about the issues that should be done and should be considered. If a condition is diagnosed or the patient has a health problem, the patient is directed to the right department.

Why Should You Have It?

Your risks that could turn into a disease in the future can be determined. It plays an important role in the early diagnosis of your diseases.

check-up in Turkey
Check-Up Programs

How to Check-Up? How much will it take?

For check-up, you first need to make an appointment at a hospital or medical center that has been checked up. The doctor responsible for the check-up asks questions about the medications you use and the diseases you have had before. Accordingly, the scope of the check-up is determined, and the doctor informs the person if there are any medications that should be used or discontinued before the check-up.

On the day of the appointment, when you come to the check-up center on an empty stomach (with a hunger for 8-10 hours), blood and urine tests are taken, and imaging methods such as heart electrode (ECG), lung film, abdominal ultrasound are used. Tests such as mammography and PSA test are performed according to the age and gender of the person. Endoscopic examinations can be planned over the age of 50.

Check-up time may differ depending on the panel content. Your results are ready on the same day and / or on the following days depending on the examinations in the check-up panel.

For women between the ages of 20 – 40;

It is recommended to have a general health examination, basic blood tests, urine analysis, chest radiography, breast examination and gynaecological examination once a year.

For Men Between the ages of 20 – 40;

It is recommended to have a general health examination, basic blood tests, urine analysis and chest radiography once a year.

For Women Over 40;

It is recommended to have a general health examination, basic blood tests, urine analysis, ECG, chest radiography, mammography, fecal occult blood test, gynaecological examination annually.

For Men Over 40;

Annual general health examination, basic blood tests, urine analysis, ECG, chest X-ray, stool occult blood test, urological examination are recommended.

For Women and Men Over 50;

After the age of 50, in addition to the above controls, both women and men should have colonoscopy and endoscopy at frequencies determined according to risk groups and perform periodic follow-up according to the result, even if they do not have any complaints. On the other hand, men should apply to the urology department during this period and have their prostate-specific examinations and tests done.

Remember that people who smoke, have a family history, have health problems such as diabetes or high blood pressure, in addition to the above controls, should have a Stress ECG and cardiology control at the age of 40 and after 2 years at the latest.

VIP Check-up Programs
VIP Check up programs

Check Up Preparation

Since the examinations to be applied to you require some preparation, we kindly ask you to consider the following suggestions. If you follow these suggestions, it will ensure that the procedures go quickly, the waiting time between examinations is shortened and the examinations are completed in the most accurate way.

On the day of the transaction, depending on your preparation status and the density of the departments, the changes that may occur during the program will be communicated to you by the check-up officials.

For laboratory tests, approximately 12-14 hours of fasting is required before taking blood. Water is allowed, but cigarettes, sugar, chewing gum and foods containing caffeine should not be used. We ask our paediatric patients to come as hungry as possible.

One day before the appointment, alcohol should not be consumed and light foods should be consumed at dinner.

If your program includes abdomen ultrasound, you must be hungry and your bladder must be full (urge to urinate). For this reason, we recommend that you start drinking water at the appropriate time on the day of your transactions, in line with the instructions of the check-up authorities, and not to urinate after you start drinking water.

If your program includes a Stress ECG test, it is recommended that you bring a towel, spare athlete, sportswear and sports shoes.

For our female patients; if your program includes mammography, we kindly request you to take a shower and not to use creams, perfumes and similar materials. It is appropriate to shoot between the 3rd and 10th days of the menstrual period.

If you have medicines that you use regularly, you can continue taking them before your check-up. Do not forget to specify the medications you use in your consultation with the doctor.

Please bring your old test results with you, if available.

Check Up Programs

It is planned according to the age, gender, genetic characteristics, lifestyle, past health history of the person. Risk factors of the person are also taken into consideration. For example, while screening is important in terms of prostate cancer in middle-aged men, breast and uterine screenings are gaining importance in middle-aged women. Screening programs can be applied to people who are prone to various diseases.

Women General Check Up, Male General Check Up, Child Check Up and Child Heart Health Check Up, Always Young Geriatrics Check Up, Heart and Lung Screening Programs, Diabetes Panel, Oncological Nutrition Programs and Diet Programs.

Can disease risks be eliminated with check-up?

Many environmental and lifestyle risks other than genetic risks can be eliminated or reduced. Not only examinations, but also a detailed background, query of familial risks, examination and self-examination information should be provided to the patient.

The risks (including the treatment risks) increase exponentially once the disease has arisen. The most rational way of dealing with the disease is to take measures with regular health checks.

Who Should Have Check Up? Why is it important for a healthy person to have a check up once a year?

It is very important for a healthy person to have a check-up once a year, especially in understanding the risks that do not cause early symptoms, that is, they do not cause clinical complaints. Risks can be elucidated by both laboratory tests and a detailed medical history query and examination.

The person is informed in this way and is directed to lead a more risk-free life. The annual health check is important for your physician to compare the results from the previous year and to monitor changes and risks in your health.

From adulthood, even if you do not have any complaints or concerns, you can prevent possible diseases with the health check you will have once a year.

The Role of Check-Up in Early Detection of Diseases

  • If the disease can be caught at a stage where it has not yet manifested with regular health screenings, measures can be taken before many diseases reach advanced stages.
  • Our lifestyle has changed a lot in the last few centuries. Toxins, ionizing radiation and refined foods are risk factors for many diseases, especially cancer. With check-up, measures can be taken before the disease occurs, against increasing disease risks.
  • Cardiovascular diseases can be caught and eradicated or treated at an early stage.
  • With check-up programs created according to risk factors such as genetics, gender, age, and race, the early signs of these risks can be evaluated.
  • Self-examination training can be given during check-up.
  • Oral cancers can be prevented with a dental examination.
  • A dietician is encouraged to make positive changes in the diet.

Contact Us

Please call us for detailed information and prices about our check-up packages. Phone & Whatsapp: +905443480787

Our consultants will provide you with the most appropriate options after receiving the necessary information from you.

stomach reduction surgery

Type 2 Diabetes (Transit Bipartition) Surgery Prices

Diabetes or the problems that arise due to diabetes create a serious social burden. The main purpose of diabetes is to treat the disease with non-surgical methods, not surgical methods. In addition, preventive treatment methods that will ensure that the disease does not occur at all are very popular.

In spite of all these, it is obligatory to apply surgical intervention to patients who have diabetes and who cannot get rid of diabetes by non-surgical methods.

Diabetes surgery prices vary according to the type of surgery. Ileal interposition surgeries are more expensive than transit bipartition surgeries.

The main reason for this is that ileal interposition surgeries take longer than transit bipartition surgeries. Since diabetes surgery has been performed for many years, the number of specialist metabolic surgeons is quite high. Transit bipartition has been implemented for 10 years and is gaining new popularity.

Apart from the type of surgery, there are dozens of different factors in determining the prices of surgery. Hospital conditions, date of surgery, intensity, condition of the patient, risks of the intervention are among the main factors. Since the prices may vary from patient to patient, it is not possible to say a clear price. After a detailed examination, prices are determined and declared to the patient.

The price of Type 2 Diabetes surgery applied to our patients in our hospital is 3450€

If you want to get detailed information about the subject, you can reach us from our consultation form or you can contact us directly from our WhatsApp line: +905443480787

Obesity Surgey Price in Turkey

Is Type 2 Diabetes Surgery Difficult?

The information that allows diabetes surgeries to be performed is the complete resolution of small intestine functions. The entire intestinal system, stomach, and esophagus continue to exist as a whole. It is imperative that the interventions to be made in these areas are planned in as fine details as possible.

Underlying diabetes surgery is the rearrangement of the digestive system. This purpose can also bring along many hormone problems. The difficulty of Type 2 diabetes surgeries is not caused by the surgical intervention, but by the hormone balance and the post-operative process.

Diabetes has different effects on each patient. Feet, hands, eyes or other tissues can be damaged. In addition, hormone balance is impaired, mobility decreases and eating habits are also negative.

The process of analyzing all of these, checking the suitability of the patient for diabetes surgery and taking it into operation is difficult. Patients who are not treated with the appropriate method cannot get rid of diabetes; it can even be negatively affected.

After verifying the patients’ suitability for the operation and method with various tests, the operation phase is quite simple. Operations applied with the closed method provide the comfort of both the doctor and the patient.

Since the patient is operated under general anesthesia, he does not feel pain or ache. In addition, the fact that measures are taken according to the risks that may occur during or after the operation also facilitates the process. In the most general sense, diabetes surgeries are quite simple if the appropriate patient is combined with the appropriate method and the process is controlled by a specialist surgeon.

Would you like to review?

  1. Type 2 Diabetes
  2. How is Type 2 diabetes Surgery Performed?
  3. What Are The Conditions That Will Prevent Type 2 Diabetes Surgery?
  4. Recovery and Nutrition Process After Type 2 Diabetes Surgery
  5. Life After Type 2 Diabetes Surgery

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diabetes 3

Life After Type 2 Diabetes Surgery

Regardless of the method used, the digestive system is rearranged after type 2 diabetes surgery. Hormone balance is also the target of this regulation. In addition, reducing the stomach volume is also supportive of the process.

All these changes cause great changes in the life of the patient. Serious changes begin within six months after the operation in patients who successfully survive all processes. Feeling hungry too late, maintaining the feeling of satiety for a long time, not consuming too much food in volume are the factors that provide these changes.

Patients are busy with the effects of the surgery for the first three months. During this period, physical recovery takes place. At the same time, the period in which a new nutritional habit is gained to a large extent is the first three months. The person can lose seven to eight kilos per month. By the end of the first year, he loses approximately sixty to eighty percent of his excess weight. Patients who lose this much in weight become more successful in social life.

Those who have Type 2 diabetes surgery get rid of their illness to a great extent at the end of the first year.

With their recovery from their illnesses, there is a serious increase in their mobility.

Since eating habits change, psychological relief is provided. The person stops constantly thinking about what, how and how much to eat. After leaving this stressful process, he relaxes mentally.

Tissue damage due to diabetes begins to heal. Improvements are seen in both physical appearance and organ functions.

Patients who have suffered from various suffering due to diabetes, lived an uncomfortable life and were isolated from social life in the period leading up to Type 2 diabetes surgery, start to live their lives again with the realization of diabetes surgery.

It is possible to call life after diabetes surgery as the second spring. In the period after the first year, it is possible to lead a comfortable life without recurring diabetes by paying attention to various factors.

Post-operative life

Will Diabetes Become Again After Type 2 Diabetes Surgery?

There are two different types of surgery performed to treat diabetes and eliminate diabetes-related problems. Among these surgeries, ileal interposition surgeries have been performed for a longer time and naturally they contain longer-term data on their results.

Transit bipartition surgeries have been applied intensively since 2010. We have twelve years of data, including the experimental process.

During the surgical treatment of Type 2 diabetes, both stomach and intestines are intervened. These interventions are not tolerable or reversible by the digestive system. In other words, what is done after surgical intervention is permanent. Of course, there are rare cases where the bowel ends start to act like a stomach, but these are known as patients who do not pay attention to what needs attention.

If everything is done correctly after diabetes surgery, there is no possibility of diabetes recurrence. The available data show that blood glucose is controlled without medication in patients undergoing related surgeries.

In addition, tissue damage is greatly improved. Today, the definitive solution of diabetes is in surgical methods.

But; The application of these methods does not mean that the patient can live as he / she wants and consume as much sugar as he / she wants. If the things to be considered are neglected, the digestive system is in order to gain weight and bring sugar back. The reduced stomach volume changes and the intestinal entrance begins to act as a stomach.

Transit bipartition surgeries give successful results.

Would you like to review?

  1. Type 2 Diabetes
  2. How is Type 2 diabetes Surgery Performed?
  3. What Are The Conditions That Will Prevent Type 2 Diabetes Surgery?
  4. Recovery and Nutrition Process After Type 2 Diabetes Surgery
  5. Type 2 Diabetes Surgery Prices in Turkey

If you want to get detailed information about the subject, you can reach us from our consultation form or you can contact us directly from our WhatsApp line.


Recovery and Nutrition Process After Type 2 Diabetes Surgery

Operations applied to treat Type 2 Diabetes are applied with closed method. This is true for both ileal interposition surgery and transit bipartition surgery. It is known that recovery is more comfortable and takes a short time after operations performed with closed method. This comfortable and short process is also valid in Type 2 Diabetes surgery.

The recovery process after the operation continues until all the weight is lost and diabetes is completely eliminated, but the recovery of the problems related to the surgery will take about three months.

Although the recovery process after Type 2 Diabetes surgery varies from patient to patient, it is generally as follows:

Since the patients who are taken into operation are generally patients with advanced diabetes, there is a risk of complications after the operation. The patient is kept under control in the intensive care unit or private room on the first day in order to intervene in the risks that may arise instantly.

During the intensive care period, blood and blood pressure values ​​are constantly kept under control. While the patient is in the intensive care unit, he / she can move provided that he / she does not leave the bed. He can move his arms and legs, and lie in a comfortable position.

If there is no problem during the intensive care period, the patient is taken to the normal room. Likewise, all values ​​are kept under control in this room. From the second day on, there is no problem for the patient to stand up and take light walks.

Nutrition Process After Diabetes Surgery

After four or five days of hospitalization, the patient is discharged outpatient.

After the patient is discharged, he starts the diet prescribed for him. He also starts using the prescribed medications.

As of the second week, he can return to his desk job.

As of the third month, he can return to physical work that requires effort.

He gives eighty percent of his excess weight by the end of the first year. In addition, diabetes disease is largely eliminated.

Weigh and record weekly until the end of the first year. It also measures and records its blood pressure daily.

After the operation, it may take up to a week or ten days to remove the stitches. Tissue damage begins to regress from the fourth month and heal from the first year. The patient starts to do the physical activities that he could not do before the operation without any problem from the sixth month.

In the most general sense, although the recovery process after type 2 diabetes surgery seems difficult, it is essentially quite comfortable.

As long as attention is paid to what needs attention, there is no risk that could endanger the results of the operation.

Nutrition Process After Type 2 Diabetes Surgery

With Type 2 diabetes surgeries, the person’s feeling of hunger, digestive system and hormone balance are intervened. With all these interventions, nutritional habits reappear in the period after the operation.

Even if the person does not want to, the process of re-formation of eating habits occurs. In order to carry out this process as healthy as possible, it is imperative to see a specialist dietician.

It is possible to divide the process after diabetes surgery into three as near, middle and distant periods. In the near and medium term, a nutritional process that supports the surgery is passed in accordance with the requirements of the surgery.

In the distant period, a light diet, which reduces the possibility of diabetes again, is adopted. Small nuances in the feeding process may vary from patient to patient.

Hormone balance changes after diabetes surgery. At the same time, the stomach volume shrinks and the hormone that causes the feeling of hunger is suppressed. Due to all these effects, much less food is consumed after the operation. The feeling of satiety is more permanent.

The first two weeks after the operation are taken with a nutritional fluid diet. The patient is forbidden to consume mash or solids during this period. With the staples at the connection points providing integrity, the transition to a puree diet is made.

The puree diet is continued for two weeks. Afterwards, the strict nutrition process is entered, where the main diet will be formed.

The first three months of a solid diet are very critical. During this process, habits are reshaped. From the third month of the solid diet, the person is as free as possible in the diet provided that a healthy diet is created.

During the six-month period after the operation, it will be beneficial to continue the nutritional habits in diabetes. Especially refined sugar and carbohydrate consumption should be reduced. Protein consumption should be increased to support the weight loss process.

Some sensitivities may occur, especially in the mash period. This is a problem caused by hormone balance. From the third month of the solid period, all kinds of foods that can be consumed normally but become sensitive during this period can be consumed again. Essentially, it is possible to evaluate the process after diabetes surgery as a new learning process about nutrition. The person reinvents himself and develops a diet suitable for his new features.

The feeding process after Type 2 diabetes surgery is carried out by a specialist dietician who is also involved in the process before the operation.

A nutritional plan is created in accordance with blood values ​​and hormone values, that will support the weight loss process and the process of getting rid of diabetes. The plan is variable, not static. It can be changed according to daily needs.

Would you like to review?

  1. Type 2 Diabetes
  2. How is Type 2 diabetes Surgery Performed?
  3. What Are The Conditions That Will Prevent Type 2 Diabetes Surgery?
  4. Life After Type 2 Diabetes Surgery
  5. Type 2 Diabetes Surgery Prices in Turkey

If you want to get detailed information about the subject, you can reach us from our consultation form or you can contact us directly from our WhatsApp line.


What Are The Conditions That Will Prevent Type 2 Diabetes Surgery?

As with all other surgical methods, the method is applied as a last resort in Type 2 Diabetes  surgeries. Unlike other surgeries, when appropriate conditions are provided, Type 2 Diabetes surgery is the definitive solution for diabetes. However, it is not possible for every patient to fully comply with both ileal interposition and transit bipartition, as there are many conditions at the point of providing suitable conditions.

Since it is possible to calculate the benefit to be obtained with the operation to a great extent in advance, people with certain conditions are not accepted for the operation. The reason for this is that the benefit to be obtained by the operation is not enough for these people. Conditions that may prevent diabetes surgery include:

In the presence of type 1 diabetes, it is not possible to eliminate the disease by metabolic surgical methods. The only similarity between Type 1 diabetes and Type 2 diabetes is the name. In essence, the two diseases are very different from each other.

There is no insulin production in type 1 diabetes. Or even if any, insulin hormones released into the blood are accepted as foreign substances by the immune system. Type 1 diabetes patients (they account for approximately ten percent of all diabetes patients) can be treated only with insulin supplements.

In order for type 2 diabetes patients to be considered suitable for surgery, insulin reserves must be sufficient. With the surgical method applied, the insulin secretion capacity of the body is increased. Islets in the pancreas must also be able to adapt to this increase.

condition of the patient
Type 2 Diabetes Surgery

The evaluation of this harmony is made with the level of islet functions, that is, insulin reserve. People with diabetes for more than ten years may experience problems related to insulin reserve. If there is not enough reserve, the patient is not accepted for surgical intervention. However, approximately eighty percent of patients do not have trouble with insulin reserve.

The aim of Type 2 Diabet surgery is to completely eliminate sugar and eliminate tissue damage. In cases where tissue damage reaches large dimensions, tissue damage cannot be cured even if surgical intervention is performed. If this situation is detected before the operation, surgical intervention is abandoned.

Some diseases and organ dysfunction may cause the surgical intervention to be delayed or canceled completely. Especially loss of function in kidneys and liver is important at this point. Metabolic diseases can also delay the operation for a while.

The weight of the person is very important in Type 2 Diabetes  surgeries. Body mass index of the patient is taken to determine the correct methods; According to this index, a choice is made between metabolic surgery and obesity surgery. At the same time, which of the surgical methods will be applied is determined according to the body mass index.

Although these are the problems that can prevent the operation, some other problems may arise due to the special condition of the patient. These problems are examined in every patient as a standard. You should consult a specialist physician to determine whether you have a problem that prevents the operation.

The condition of patients undergoing Type 2 Diabetes  surgeries is highly critical. Although the healing capacity is high, there are tissue damage; Many patients also have blood pressure, cholesterol and excess weight in addition to diabetes.

The fact that the surgery interferes with the digestive system also increases the risks. When evaluated in general, it is possible to say that Type 2 Diabetes  surgeries are in the risky surgery class.

In order to eliminate these risks and to reduce them to a great extent if they cannot be removed, the period before the operation is kept quite long; Various treatments are applied for the preparation of the patient. Although the risk is very low in patients who are fully eligible for the operation, it is not zero.

Would you like to review?

  1. Type 2 Diabetes
  2. How is Type 2 diabetes Surgery Performed?
  3. Recovery and Nutrition Process After Type 2 Diabetes Surgery
  4. Life After Type 2 Diabetes Surgery
  5. Type 2 Diabetes Surgery Prices in Turkey

If you want to get detailed information about the subject, you can reach us from our consultation form or you can contact us directly from our WhatsApp line.