Bariatric surgery is an operation and a surgical treatment method performed on the digestive system to help an overweight obese person lose weight. It is also known as obesity surgery. With bariatric surgery, the absorption of nutrients is restricted and serious weight loss becomes possible in patients.
Thanks to Weight Loss Surgery, different ailments such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea are completely or significantly cured.
Current surgeries help to lose weight in different ways and reduce your risk of obesity-related medical problems. Bariatric surgery contributes to weight loss in two main ways:
Restriction: The purpose of this surgical method; It is to physically limit the amount of food the stomach can hold, which reduces the number of calories a person can eat.
Malabsorption: With this method, part of the small intestine is shortened (bypass and the amount of calories and nutrients absorbed by the body is reduced.
Some common types of weight loss surgery are:
- Sleeve Gastrectomy
- Gastric Bypass
What is Sleeve Gastrectomy?
Sleeve Gastrectomy is another form of restrictive weight loss surgery. In the operation, the surgeon removes approximately 70 to 80% of the stomach. What remains of the stomach is a narrow tube or sheath.
Pros: It has a lower risk than other surgeries, especially for patients with severe obesity. It can also be used as a preparation for a second surgery such as gastric bypass by providing weight loss for overweight patients in a 12-18 month period. Since the intestines are not affected by the surgical process, there is no absorption problem.
Cons: Sleeve Gastrectmoy surgery is irreversible.
Risks: Typical risks include infection, leak or blood clot problem.
What is Gastric Bypass Surgery (Roux-N-Y Gastric Bypass)?
It is a surgical procedure that restricts both food intake and food absorption. A small part is separated at the stomach entrance and sutured to the small intestine. As the stomach shrinks, food intake is restricted. With this operation, a new shortcut for meals is created by bypassing a part of the stomach and small intestine. Skipping these parts of the digestive system means the body absorbs fewer calories.
Pros: Weight loss is faster than other operations. Weight loss may continue for up to 2 years after the operation. Due to rapid weight loss, diabetes, high blood pressure, cholesterol, sleep apnea, etc. Weight control can be achieved for a longer period of time.
Cons: Since the food cannot be absorbed as before, it puts you at risk of not getting enough nutrients. As a result, it can lead to anemia with loss of calcium and iron. You should pay close attention to your diet for the rest of your life.
What is the safest form of weight loss surgery?
The ideal weight loss surgery depends on your obesity degree, health and body type. If you have a severe obesity or have had a previous abdominal surgery, your surgical procedure will be evaluated with its pros and cons. Therefore, it is beneficial to consult a center that specializes in weight loss surgery. In the long term, complications after weight loss surgery performed by a specialist physician are extremely rare.
How do I qualify for weight loss surgery?
If you are seriously overweight, have weight-related health problems, and want to make a change in your lifestyle, you may be a candidate for bariatric surgery.
Eligibility criteria for weight loss surgery are based on body mass index (BMI). BMI is a formula that uses it to estimate body fat. Weight loss surgery may be an option for an adult with a BMI of 40 or higher.
One of the following situations may also create an option for you.
- BMI of 35 or higher
- At least one obesity-related medical condition
- At least six months of supervised weight loss attempts
What is the number one weight loss surgery?
Our team of experts will conduct a detailed analysis to determine which option is best for you. This process, which is used to determine whether you are ready for weight loss surgery, will also help you make an informed decision. For this reason, it is necessary to answer and evaluate the question of what is the right surgery for you, rather than the number one surgery.
Does insurance pay for weight loss surgery?
Health insurers in your country usually pay for bariatric surgery if you meet the requirements. However, even if your body mass index (BMI) classifies you as morbidly obese in some cases, this does not mean that your health insurance will approve bariatric surgery. You can search for this in your country and enter the queue list. But you can be 60% more cost your operation with your country without waiting lists in Turkey safely.
How much does it cost for a weight loss surgery?
Prices and cost of weight loss surgery in Turkey experience of the surgeon, the quality and quantity of the materials used in the operation, inspection costs may vary according to hospital costs. Please inquire about the origin and certificates of each material to be used.
In our hospitals;
Sleeve Gastrectomy surgery price is 2750€,
Gastric Bypass surgery price is 3450€,
Transit Bipartition surgery price is 3500 €.
Is it possible to gain weight after surgery?
While you should not forget after you decide to have surgery and have a weight loss surgery, there is one issue; Surgery is not a magic wand! It is a guide. While bariatric surgery is an excellent tool to help obese individuals lose and maintain weight, regain weight is possible.
People who make lifestyle changes, maintain good eating habits, and maintain exercise are more likely to lose weight and maintain the weight they lose.
Are you ready to meet yourself a new, happier and healthier? Then call +90 (544) 348-0787 for quick contact and appointment.