What is Tooth Extraction?
Tooth extraction is the name given to the surgical removal of the tooth from its socket in the bone, which is performed by a dentist or oral surgeon as an outpatient procedure performed relatively quickly with local, general, intravenous anesthesia or a combination.
Simple tooth extraction is the name given to the technique used to extract the teeth that appear in the mouth while the patient is under the effect of local anesthesia.
Why is a tooth extracted?
In some cases, it may be necessary to extract teeth in adult individuals. Although it is ideal to use adult teeth, which replace milk teeth in childhood, throughout life, tooth extraction may be required for more than one reason.
The most common of these reasons is that the teeth are damaged beyond repair due to trauma or decay.
In addition, dentists may consider extraction suitable for preparation in the mouth, especially in cases requiring orthodontic treatment with a large number of teeth that do not fully fit into the jaw.
Again, in similar cases, embedded tooth extraction intervention can be performed for teeth that have not grown on the gum, or for 20-year-old teeth.
If tooth decay or damage has spread to the tooth pulp, the core of nerves and blood vessels in the tooth, bacteria in the mouth can enter here and cause infection.
This can usually be corrected with root canal treatment, but if the infection is very severe and antibiotics or root canal treatment is not sufficient, tooth extraction may be required to prevent the spread of the infection.
In a similar situation, if the immune system is at risk due to chemotherapy or organ transplantation due to another medical complication, even the risk of infection in the tooth may be sufficient reason to pull the tooth.
Periodontal Disease. If the teeth are loosened due to periodontal disease, that is, gum disease, which is an infection of the tissues and bones surrounding and supporting the teeth, it may be necessary to remove one or more teeth.
Before Tooth Extraction
Although the tooth extraction procedure itself is generally a very safe medical practice, it can lead to the entry of harmful bacteria into the circulatory system due to the procedure. At the same time, gum tissue is at risk of infection.
If there is a high risk of developing a severe infection due to another medical reason, antibiotics will be required before and after tooth extraction.
For this reason, a full medical history should be shared with the dentist before a tooth extraction. In addition to regularly used medications and supplements, conditions such as damaged or artificial heart valves, congenital heart defects, impaired immune system, liver disease (cirrhosis), artificial joints such as hip prosthesis, bacterial endocarditis must be reported to the dentist.
What can be done to overcome the fear of tooth extraction?
First of all, it should be remembered that it is necessary to get rid of it, taking into account the damages and pain caused by the tooth that needs to be extracted. After a good numbness is achieved, during extraction, only a feeling of pressure and small cracks can be heard during the rising of the tooth. There should be no pain or pain. Generally, people like to frighten those around them, and they exaggerate this pressure and crunch. You should not be influenced by such false suggestions, and all questions should be directed to the physician.

How Is It Applied?
How Is Tooth Extraction Done?
Oral surgeons who are specially trained dentists to perform surgery with tooth extraction dentists can do tooth extraction. Before the tooth is extracted, the dentist will give the patient an injection of local anesthetic to numb the area where the tooth will be extracted. In some cases, the dentist may use a stronger general anesthetic, especially for impacted wisdom tooth extraction. This general anesthetic will prevent pain and put the individual to sleep throughout the procedure.
The dentist will cut the gum and bone tissue covering the tooth. He will then grasp the tooth using forceps and gently move it back and forth to loosen the jawbone and ligaments that normally hold the tooth in place. In some cases, a difficult-to-pull tooth can be removed in multiple pieces.
Bleeding after tooth extraction is natural and necessary. Usually, a blood clot forms in the cavity left behind from the tooth. The dentist places a gauze pad in the tooth cavity and instructs the patient to bite to help stop the bleeding. In some cases, the dentist may use several self-dissolving stitches to close the edges of the gums in the extraction area properly.
Sometimes, the blood clot in the socket loosens and falls off, exposing the bone in the cavity. This is a painful and risky situation. This condition called septic socket is also called dry socket. Since the formation of a blood clot is necessary for healing to begin, the dentist may insert an antiseptic or antibiotic pain reliever paste into the socket for a few days to aid this.
After Tooth Extraction
After a tooth is extracted, the dentist sends the individual home for healing. The healing process usually continues for a few days. There are a number of steps that can be taken to minimize any discomfort that may be felt during this process, to reduce the risk of infection, and to accelerate healing.
First of all, pain relievers should be used as prescribed. It is necessary to bite firmly but gently over the gauze placed by the dentist to both reduce bleeding and cause a clot to form in the tooth socket. It is necessary to change the gauze pads before absorbing the blood thoroughly and completely. In other cases it is necessary to keep the gauze pad there for three to four hours after tooth extraction.
To prevent swelling in the area, it will be helpful to apply an ice pack to the affected area immediately after tooth extraction. This bag should be applied for 10 minutes at a time.
It is necessary to rest for at least 24 hours after tooth extraction and to limit activities for the next day or two. It is also necessary to avoid rinsing this area with water or spitting vigorously in order not to dislodge the clot formed in the socket for 24 hours after tooth extraction. After 24 hours, the mouth can be washed by mixing half a teaspoon of salt and a glass of warm water.
After tooth extraction, foods such as soup, mashed potatoes, yoghurt, pudding or apple puree should be consumed. As the tooth extracted area heals, you should gradually switch to solid foods. Pipettes should not be used during the first 24 hours. Smoking should not be allowed during the healing process to speed recovery.
While lying down, the head should be supported with a pillow and kept up. Lying flat can prolong the bleeding process.
In addition to brushing the teeth and tongue, the use of dental floss should be continued by staying away from the tooth extracted area. Doing this will help prevent infection.
Pain after tooth extraction can be felt with the end of the anesthesia, this is normal. Some swelling and light bleeding can be expected for 24 hours after a tooth extraction.
However, if bleeding or severe pain persists for more than four hours after tooth extraction, the dentist should be called again and the situation reported.
In addition, if there are signs of infection including fever and chills, nausea or vomiting, redness, swelling or excessive discharge from the affected area, cough, shortness of breath, or chest pain, it is necessary to consult a dentist.
Recovery After Tooth Extraction
The first recovery period after tooth extraction usually takes one to two weeks. In this process, new bone and gum tissue grows in the cavity opened. However, over time, missing a tooth (or teeth) can cause the remaining teeth to change, affect bite and make chewing difficult. For this reason, the dentist may recommend to support the missing tooth or teeth with an implant, fixed bridge or denture.
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