tooh extraction

Tooth Extraction

What is Tooth Extraction?

Tooth extraction is the name given to the surgical removal of the tooth from its socket in the bone, which is performed by a dentist or oral surgeon as an outpatient procedure performed relatively quickly with local, general, intravenous anesthesia or a combination.

Simple tooth extraction is the name given to the technique used to extract the teeth that appear in the mouth while the patient is under the effect of local anesthesia.

Why is a tooth extracted?

In some cases, it may be necessary to extract teeth in adult individuals. Although it is ideal to use adult teeth, which replace milk teeth in childhood, throughout life, tooth extraction may be required for more than one reason.

The most common of these reasons is that the teeth are damaged beyond repair due to trauma or decay.

In addition, dentists may consider extraction suitable for preparation in the mouth, especially in cases requiring orthodontic treatment with a large number of teeth that do not fully fit into the jaw.

Again, in similar cases, embedded tooth extraction intervention can be performed for teeth that have not grown on the gum, or for 20-year-old teeth.

If tooth decay or damage has spread to the tooth pulp, the core of nerves and blood vessels in the tooth, bacteria in the mouth can enter here and cause infection.

This can usually be corrected with root canal treatment, but if the infection is very severe and antibiotics or root canal treatment is not sufficient, tooth extraction may be required to prevent the spread of the infection.

In a similar situation, if the immune system is at risk due to chemotherapy or organ transplantation due to another medical complication, even the risk of infection in the tooth may be sufficient reason to pull the tooth.

Periodontal Disease. If the teeth are loosened due to periodontal disease, that is, gum disease, which is an infection of the tissues and bones surrounding and supporting the teeth, it may be necessary to remove one or more teeth.

Before Tooth Extraction

Although the tooth extraction procedure itself is generally a very safe medical practice, it can lead to the entry of harmful bacteria into the circulatory system due to the procedure. At the same time, gum tissue is at risk of infection.

If there is a high risk of developing a severe infection due to another medical reason, antibiotics will be required before and after tooth extraction.

For this reason, a full medical history should be shared with the dentist before a tooth extraction. In addition to regularly used medications and supplements, conditions such as damaged or artificial heart valves, congenital heart defects, impaired immune system, liver disease (cirrhosis), artificial joints such as hip prosthesis, bacterial endocarditis must be reported to the dentist.

What can be done to overcome the fear of tooth extraction?

First of all, it should be remembered that it is necessary to get rid of it, taking into account the damages and pain caused by the tooth that needs to be extracted. After a good numbness is achieved, during extraction, only a feeling of pressure and small cracks can be heard during the rising of the tooth. There should be no pain or pain. Generally, people like to frighten those around them, and they exaggerate this pressure and crunch. You should not be influenced by such false suggestions, and all questions should be directed to the physician.

Tooth Extraction in Turkey

How Is It Applied?

How Is Tooth Extraction Done?

Oral surgeons who are specially trained dentists to perform surgery with tooth extraction dentists can do tooth extraction. Before the tooth is extracted, the dentist will give the patient an injection of local anesthetic to numb the area where the tooth will be extracted. In some cases, the dentist may use a stronger general anesthetic, especially for impacted wisdom tooth extraction. This general anesthetic will prevent pain and put the individual to sleep throughout the procedure.

The dentist will cut the gum and bone tissue covering the tooth. He will then grasp the tooth using forceps and gently move it back and forth to loosen the jawbone and ligaments that normally hold the tooth in place. In some cases, a difficult-to-pull tooth can be removed in multiple pieces.

Bleeding after tooth extraction is natural and necessary. Usually, a blood clot forms in the cavity left behind from the tooth. The dentist places a gauze pad in the tooth cavity and instructs the patient to bite to help stop the bleeding. In some cases, the dentist may use several self-dissolving stitches to close the edges of the gums in the extraction area properly.

Sometimes, the blood clot in the socket loosens and falls off, exposing the bone in the cavity. This is a painful and risky situation. This condition called septic socket is also called dry socket. Since the formation of a blood clot is necessary for healing to begin, the dentist may insert an antiseptic or antibiotic pain reliever paste into the socket for a few days to aid this.

After Tooth Extraction

After a tooth is extracted, the dentist sends the individual home for healing. The healing process usually continues for a few days. There are a number of steps that can be taken to minimize any discomfort that may be felt during this process, to reduce the risk of infection, and to accelerate healing.

First of all, pain relievers should be used as prescribed. It is necessary to bite firmly but gently over the gauze placed by the dentist to both reduce bleeding and cause a clot to form in the tooth socket. It is necessary to change the gauze pads before absorbing the blood thoroughly and completely. In other cases it is necessary to keep the gauze pad there for three to four hours after tooth extraction.

To prevent swelling in the area, it will be helpful to apply an ice pack to the affected area immediately after tooth extraction. This bag should be applied for 10 minutes at a time.

It is necessary to rest for at least 24 hours after tooth extraction and to limit activities for the next day or two. It is also necessary to avoid rinsing this area with water or spitting vigorously in order not to dislodge the clot formed in the socket for 24 hours after tooth extraction. After 24 hours, the mouth can be washed by mixing half a teaspoon of salt and a glass of warm water.

After tooth extraction, foods such as soup, mashed potatoes, yoghurt, pudding or apple puree should be consumed. As the tooth extracted area heals, you should gradually switch to solid foods. Pipettes should not be used during the first 24 hours. Smoking should not be allowed during the healing process to speed recovery.

While lying down, the head should be supported with a pillow and kept up. Lying flat can prolong the bleeding process.

In addition to brushing the teeth and tongue, the use of dental floss should be continued by staying away from the tooth extracted area. Doing this will help prevent infection.

Pain after tooth extraction can be felt with the end of the anesthesia, this is normal. Some swelling and light bleeding can be expected for 24 hours after a tooth extraction.

However, if bleeding or severe pain persists for more than four hours after tooth extraction, the dentist should be called again and the situation reported.

In addition, if there are signs of infection including fever and chills, nausea or vomiting, redness, swelling or excessive discharge from the affected area, cough, shortness of breath, or chest pain, it is necessary to consult a dentist.

Recovery After Tooth Extraction

The first recovery period after tooth extraction usually takes one to two weeks. In this process, new bone and gum tissue grows in the cavity opened. However, over time, missing a tooth (or teeth) can cause the remaining teeth to change, affect bite and make chewing difficult. For this reason, the dentist may recommend to support the missing tooth or teeth with an implant, fixed bridge or denture.

Would you like to get detailed information about tooth extraction? Call us Today! Phone & Whatsapp: +90 544 348 07 87

All on 4 Guide

All on 4 Guide

Although dental implants are becoming more popular every day, today we would like to explain All on 4 implants in more detail, give a few tips and explain how to clean all on four implants step by step.

What are all on 4 implants?

In order to explain in detail how All on 4 implants are made, it will be easier to first consider a single implant. In the event that a tooth is missing or a new one is needed, a small screw is inserted into your jawbone. This allows an artificial tooth to be placed on that screw and fixed to your gum.

In the case of All on 4 implants, it is the placement of 4 screws to the lower and upper jaw bone that will fix a bridge and ensure that more than one or all teeth are set in place at once. In this way, all tooth groups are placed at one time and a much more comfortable experience for the patient is provided. It also means that, in addition to the comfort factor, this way the operation can usually be completed within a day, rather than multiple doctor’s appointments.

all on 4 concept
All on 4 Treatment concept: Systematic review

All fourteen implant screws are usually made of titanium and the prepared prosthetic teeth are then placed on these screws.

All on 4 implants are relatively new developments in dentistry and have revolutionized dental procedures. The implants have a success rate of approximately 95% and have drastically reduced the inconvenience and time spent by previous methods.

Since these artificial teeth are mounted and fixed on your jaw, there is no need to remove and clean them, you can act like normal teeth. Therefore, similar maintenance is required.

All on 4 Who Can Be Applied?

In order for the All on 4 application to be performed, there should be no teeth in the mouth. Our patients who are suitable for implants; These are our patients with sufficient bone tissue. The removable implant is preferred because it provides stability and confidence compared to the prosthesis. Oral hygiene is also important for the All on 4 application.

What Do You Need To Know About All On 4 Implants?

Two implants are placed in the front part of the jaws of our patients who are completely edentulous, where their bones are the thickest. Two implants are placed on the back of the jawbone. There are 4 implants in total. The angles of the implants placed in the anterior part are 90 degrees, and the angles of those placed in the posterior part are also 45 degrees. Hybrid prosthesis is placed on the implants and fixed.

What are the Treatment Stages of All On 4 Implants?

In the treatment of all on 4 implants, a detailed clinical and radiological examination is performed first. We plan a suitable treatment for our patients by making the necessary measurements together with computed tomography. We apply the process in two stages. After placing 4 dental implants, we prepare the temporary prosthesis on the implant. After 3 months; we make permanent dental prosthesis for our patients.

How Should All On 4 Implant Care Be Performed?

All on 4 implant cleaning is very important. Teeth should be brushed at least 2 times a day. Oral and dental care should be done with tools such as an interface brush and dental floss. In this process, mouthwash can also be used.

When looking at nutrition after treatment; Our physicians list the foods that our patients can eat and should not consume. Since the implant is expected to fuse with the bone, soft foods should be consumed in this process. It is required not to consume substances such as cigarettes. Also, heavy exercise should be avoided.

What is the Difference of All On 4 Implants and Standard Implants?

In all on 4 procedures, implants are positioned at an angle to the jaw. Since they are supported by much more bone, only 4 or 6 implants can carry the load that 8 implants can carry. In order to place all on four implants; A physician with advanced medical skills should perform the procedure.

What Are The Advantages Of All On 4 Implants?

  • The implant can be placed on the day of tooth extraction.
  • It is also possible to place prostheses on the day of implant application.
  • It is applied at an angle towards the back. For this reason, the procedure can be completed by using less number of implants for the chin.
  • It is specially planned for our patients.
  • It is an application that is fixed in the mouth. However, our physicians can remove the connecting screws and separate the prosthesis from the implant.
  • It is an ideal solution for patients with nausea reflexes when using a removable dental prosthesis.

What are the Downsides of All On 4 Implants?

  • Compared to the reliability and lifetime of traditional applications; traditional methods are preferred.
  • It has thicker and heavier prostheses compared to traditional implant bridges.
  • Implant is not placed in the area where the molars with the highest biting force are located.
  • Since dental prostheses are added on implants without waiting, a problem such as implant loss may be encountered.
  • There are patients who complain that the voice can be heard as hissing when speaking due to the passage of air and fluid in the lower part of the prosthesis.
  • Since cleaning is more difficult than other prostheses, it requires care. Therefore, there are too many surfaces to be cleaned and in case the necessary care is not taken for cleaning; implant can be lost.
  • Problem or loss of an implant among the implants made; It affects the entire chin prosthesis. The entire jaw prosthesis becomes unusable.

How Much Are All On 4 Implants Prices in Turkey?

All on 4 implants prices in Turkey are not according to the implant brand to be used. Below you can see a sample price of all on 4 prepared with 3 different implant brands. The prices below are valid for cases that have no teeth in the mouth and do not require additional treatment.

All on 4 Cost with Hiossen / Osstem Implant 4250 GBP

4 Hiossen implant for upper jaw
4 Hiossen implant for lower jaw
8 Multiunits system
Temporary Teeth

All on 4 Cost with Medentica Implant 5000 GBP
4 Medentica implant for upper jaw
4 Medentica implant for lower jaw
8 Multiunits system
Temporary Teeth

All on 4 Price with Nobel Implant 6000 GBP

4 Nobel Biocare implant for upper jaw
4 Nobel Biocare implant for lower jaw
8 Multiunits system
Temporary Teeth

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Tooth Replacement

Tooth Replacement

Tooth replacement methods have made a great progress with the development of technology. Tooth replacement are now performed as realistic. There are many types of treatment that have a natural tooth appearance. Dental treatments also provide you with aesthetically pleasing results. Oral and dental health are the most important organisms that facilitate and provide digestion of foods.

Among the tooth replacement methods, toothaches that do not end and make our lives difficult are usually applied due to caries. The removal of caries is terminated only by tooth extraction. In the Dental Clinic Turkey center, which has the best place in dental treatment in Antalya, all the treatments suitable for patients are performed by our specialist physicians.

Can a tooth be replaced?

Treatment methods applied in dental health;

Oral Diagnosis and Radiology (Examination and Imaging)

Oral diagnosis is the diagnosis of oral and dental diseases or systemic diseases that show symptoms in the mouth using radiological imaging techniques in dentistry and planning the necessary treatments. In our clinics, diagnosis and treatment planning are performed with digital imaging methods (Panoramic X-ray, RVG, Computed Tomography).

Oral, Dental and Maxillofacial Surgery (Impacted Teeth, Jaw Joint Treatment, Wisdom Teeth, Tooth Replacement)

All surgical procedures and jaw joint treatments such as the surgeries of impacted wisdom teeth, root tip resections, jaw fractures, cyst and tumor operations, implant surgeries are performed by oral, dental and maxillofacial surgeons within our clinics.

Conservative Dental Treatment (Composite Fillings)

With the advances in material technology, today composite fillings are used in almost every field of dentistry practice. Composite is a successful filling material in small and medium-sized tooth tissue losses.

Accidental fractures in the front teeth, color changes, old amalgam fillings in the back teeth can be repaired with tooth-colored composite fillings, and the gaps between teeth can be closed with composite fillings.

After the decayed tooth tissue is removed, a composite filling material that is compatible with the natural color of your tooth is selected, and aesthetic results that are indistinguishable from natural tooth tissue are obtained.

With aesthetic composite restorations, functional, anatomical and aesthetic disorders can be corrected with minimal intervention to the teeth. Without touching the natural tooth tissue, a new form can be given to the teeth and a safe smile to the patient within an hour’s appointment.

Endodontics (Root Canal Treatment)

The tissues that give vitality and life to the tooth are the vessels and nerves called pulp located in the cavity in the center of the tooth. Nerve and vascular tissue of the tooth loses its vitality or becomes infected as a result of incompatible restorations, new decays formed around the old fillings, deep caries or accidents.

Pain, abscesses and swelling of the face may occur frequently. Endodontic treatment (root canal treatment) is applied to these teeth. Endodontic treatment consists of removing the vessels and nerves in the pulp, disinfecting the pulp cavity, widening the canals and filling the canals with canal filling material.

In our clinics, it is possible to treat painful and infected teeth without the need for tooth extraction.

Prosthetic Dentistry (Crowns and Bridges, Removable Dentures)


When a large loss of tooth tissue that cannot be restored by filling occurs, the teeth are restored by making crowns. Crown (veneer) is a type of restoration that covers the entire surface of the tooth and is bonded to the tooth with a cement suitable for the material from which the crown is produced.

Precious metal alloys, zirconium and aluminum supported porcelain or full ceramic materials can be used in the production of the crown, depending on the aesthetic expectations, biological and mechanical requirements.

Tooth Replacement UK


Although implant placement is our first option in the elimination of tooth deficiencies, in cases where implants cannot be applied, tooth deficiency can be eliminated by making a bridge. In the case of a single or multiple missing teeth, the teeth adjacent to the toothless area are reduced, the prepared single piece bridge is glued on the reduced teeth and the missing teeth or teeth are replaced.

The material from which the bridge will be produced can be selected according to the region of missing teeth (front-back). Metal, zirconium, aluminum supported porcelain, or full ceramic materials can be used in bridge construction as well as in crown construction and adhered with suitable cements.

Pedodontics (Child Oral and Dental Health)

While dealing with the dental problems of all children between the ages of 3-12, this unit, which provides the necessary oral hygiene and training, serves to raise awareness of future generations about oral and dental health.

Fissure sealant and fluoride applications are performed by a pediatrician in order to prevent dental caries. Our unit, which also works to prevent the occurrence of orthodontic disorders, also provides treatment services under general anesthesia or sedation anesthesia conditions for our hyperactive or non-cooperative patients.


Orthodontics is a branch of expertise that deals with the treatment of crowding in the teeth and closing disorders in the jaws. Orthodontic treatment can be applied at any age. All these treatment techniques are successfully applied in our clinics for pediatric and adult patients.

Periodontology (Treatment of Gum Diseases)

Treatments of all diseases related to gums, bones and ligaments surrounding the teeth are carried out in this department. Tooth brushing, flossing and professional cleaning procedures applied by your doctor during routine dental visits are often sufficient to prevent periodontal diseases.

Tooth Replacement Method

Hormonal changes during pregnancy, some systemic diseases, incorrect or inadequate oral care can lead to gum diseases. Treatment of gingivitis, acute and chronic periodontitis, gingival abscesses, ulcerative gingival diseases is performed by a periodontology specialist using surgical techniques and biological materials such as flap operation, root correction.

Implant Applications

Implants are screws made of biocompatible titanium, which are placed in the jawbone through a surgical operation to serve as a tooth root.

They can be successfully applied in the office environment under local anesthesia in single or multiple missing teeth. Implant applications can be performed under sedation or general anesthesia in patients who are concerned about dental procedures.

Often, dental implants are placed after the jawbone is exposed through an incision in the gum and stitches are placed on the cut gum area to be removed a week later. Following the operation, you will be provided with a smooth recovery period with our recommendations and the medications you will use.

Implants integrate with the bone in an average of 2 – 6 months, depending on the bone area they are applied to and the bone density of the patient. At the end of this process, removable or fixed prosthesis can be made on your implants. In addition to providing function and aesthetics, implants ensure the continuity of form and structure in the jaws by preventing bone loss caused by tooth deficiency.

Implants can be placed in all individuals with good general health. Correct planning, the presence of sterile surgical conditions and the patient’s attention to oral hygiene increase the success of the treatment.

How much does it cost to get a tooth replaced?

In dental treatments, tooth replacement costs are determined by the treatment to be applied to the tooth.

The treatment plan prepared after the consultation will provide you with all the detailed costs. There may be more than one treatment option for some of our patients. Here you can make the best decision with your doctor.

In Turkey tooth replacement cost is 60% more affordable compared to many European countries. This is because of the low labor and laboratory costs.

What is the cheapest way to replace a missing tooth?

There are many treatment options that can be applied in one or more missing teeth. Such as dental bridge, dental implant, maryland bridge… The porcelain infrastructure to be used in bridge applications determines the costs. Metal-based porcelain option may be more suitable than zirconium or full porcelain. However, many questions come into play here, such as the condition of the tooth, its position, and bone level. You should make the best decision with your doctor after the examination.

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Full Ceramic Crown

Full Ceramic Crowns

What is the Full Ceramic Crowns?

The method of coating applied to restore worn, broken or partially decayed teeth is called crown coating. This method, which is widely used today, is preferred both to protect the teeth, to obtain a more beautiful appearance and to strengthen the teeth. This method is frequently used to strengthen weak and cracked teeth.

Which Materials Are Used In Crown Coating?

Crowns used in coating application can be made of many different materials. Because the ceramic is more resistant to staining and abrasion, full ceramic crowns are generally preferred. They are also preferred because they offer a natural appearance and are more aesthetic. In addition to ceramic, crown veneers are produced from materials such as composite, acrylic and even gold. Dentists recommend choosing materials that offer the closest view to the natural appearance of the teeth.

Is the Care of Crown Crown Teeth Different?

People who have crown crowned teeth should brush their teeth twice a day like everyone else and clean their teeth regularly with dental floss. Cleaning the points where teeth and gums meet is of great importance in the maintenance of coatings. To prolong the life of crowns, very hard foods should not be consumed and teeth should be examined regularly.

What is the Difference of Full Porcelain Crowns?

Full porcelain crowns, also called “full porcelain“, are the closest to the natural tooth appearance. Since they pass all kinds of light, there is no loss of appearance in the teeth in some lights. Another advantage is that they are far from a dull and artificial appearance. With these features, they are often considered natural teeth.

Metal support is not used in the infrastructure of this coating application. Therefore, there is no metal line between the crown and the gingiva and a more aesthetic appearance appears. In addition, while metal supports may have an allergic reaction to the metal materials used, there is no such risk in full porcelain.

Metal-Free Porcelain Crown Bridges:

When any of the teeth is exposed to a loss of substance, cavities occur in the tooth and the adjacent tooth moves towards this gap. Thus, the intraoral tooth structure and shape deteriorates. Therefore, mouth closure and chewing force are also affected. If these gaps are not filled for a long time, the gap increases and the surrounding teeth are also affected.

For this reason, these gaps are filled with crowns or bridges according to the size and number of the gap. Metal support is used in these processes. However, today, with cosmetic dentistry aesthetic solutions, full porcelain crown bridges without metal support can provide removal of intraoral cavities without using any metal.

Features of Full Porcelain Crown Bridges without Metal Support:

They are made of toughened porcelain. Although many things affect the appearance of crowns, the most important is their reaction to light. Natural teeth are translucent. As a result, depth and vitality appear in the tooth. Due to the light transmission properties of porcelain crowns without metal support (full porcelain), their depth and vitality are higher, so that the closest results to the natural tooth are obtained.

While full porcelains create a very similar aesthetic to natural tooth structure as they pass light, there is a dullness and artificiality in metal porcelains even if they are very well made. For this reason, full porcelains are preferred especially for the front teeth.

Metal-supported porcelains give the image of a dark space in some lights (disco, camera flash, etc.) Full porcelain, on the other hand, passes all kinds of light just like natural teeth.

Metal-supported porcelains are mechanically bonded to the tooth. Full porcelains are attached to the teeth mechanically and chemically.

Therefore, their retention is much higher than metal supported ones. Since there is no metal in the substrate, there is no dark line at the crown – gingiva level. A more aesthetic appearance is provided.

Even when the gums are receded, full porcelains maintain their aesthetic appearance, while metal porcelains can create a dark appearance in the area where they combine with the tooth.

There is no risk of allergy against some metals used in the infrastructure (nickel etc.) in full porcelain.

Due to the light transmission properties of porcelain crowns without metal support (FULL PORCELAINS), their depth and vitality are higher, so results closest to natural teeth are obtained.

Advantages in general:

  • While full porcelains create a very similar aesthetic to natural tooth structure, metal porcelains have a dullness and artificiality even if they are made very well. For this reason, full porcelains can be preferred, especially for the front teeth.
  • Metal-backed porcelains give the appearance of a dark space in some lights (disco, camera flash, etc.) as if they were absent in the mouth. Full porcelains, like natural teeth, pass all kinds of light (Translucense feature).
  • Metal supported porcelains are mechanically bonded to the teeth. Full porcelains are attached to the teeth mechanically and chemically.
  • Since there is no metal in its substructure, there is no dark line at the crown – gingiva level. A more aesthetic appearance is provided.
  • When the gums are receded, full porcelains maintain their aesthetic appearance, while metal porcelains create a bad appearance in the area where they join the tooth.
  • There is no risk of allergy to some metals used in the infrastructure (such as nickel allergy) in full porcelains.
  • Form and coloring can be done in the most natural way that is closest to the natural tooth.
smile design with porcelain and zirconium crown
Zirconium Crown in Turkey

Zirconium / Metal Supported Crowns and Bridges

Zirconium material is actually a metal that is white in colour. It has a very high resistance against pressure. But it is also a beautiful material with light transmission (less than e-max) and tissue-friendly.

While zirconium porcelains provide a good enough aesthetic and natural appearance in the front teeth, they are more preferred today because they are resistant in the actual posterior teeth.


  • Seamless infrastructure for metal allergy sufferers
  • They are as durable as metal ceramics (almost twice the pressure that can be in the mouth)
  • They are satisfactory enough with their light transmittance.

In this system, while using zirconium alloy, which is a white colour instead of metal, as a substructure, it is transformed into aesthetic advantage, while it stands out from other dental materials with its mechanical resistance, biological compatibility and high fracture resistance.

E- Max / Empress Porcelain Crowns

E-max is a specially reinforced ceramic, its light transmittance is very high and it is the closest material to natural teeth. E-max porcelains are generally preferred for the most aesthetic results.

In addition to its high aesthetic advantage, it should not be preferred in bridges exceeding 3 members or in places where very high pressure is likely to be encountered.

How Are Full Ceramic Crown Teeth Made? Treatment Stages

How are full ceramic coatings made? What are its usage and advantages to the person? These are the most important questions in the minds of those who have colour problems and appearance concerns. Ceramic coating is preferred because it is an easy and painless process.

Although ceramic coating is higher than other coatings in terms of price, its functionality and long-term use affects the ceramic coating preferences of the patients.

While making full ceramic coating, firstly, the teeth are X-rayed. Fractures and decays in the teeth are removed, filling is made in the necessary places. Then, the teeth are measured for the full ceramic crown. After the measurement, full ceramic crowns taken from the laboratory are placed on the teeth and it is checked whether there is any compatibility problem.

Necessary arrangements are made for the teeth to adapt. If there is not enough teeth to support the ceramic veneer crown, the foundation can be established using a post. At the end of 2 sessions, crown tooth coating is completed and the patient can easily continue his daily life.

For full ceramic crown tooth coating, which is completed in a short time, it is necessary to see dentists who are experts in aesthetic treatments. Full ceramic crown operations should be done according to appropriate criteria.

Advantages of Full Ceramic Crown Treatment

While full ceramic coated teeth replace your lost teeth, they also help you gain your dental functions. While the closest appearance to natural teeth is obtained, there is no sensitivity to hot or cold at the same time.

Since full ceramic crowns are not metal based, less abrasion is seen on the teeth. The full ceramic coating does not pose any risk of allergies. You will not have any trouble eating and drinking with your full ceramic coating teeth that are fully compatible with the mouth.

Ceramic tooth coating prices are determined according to the number of teeth to be applied, the quality of the coating material, and whether different dental treatments are required. You can get full ceramic coating price information after the first inspection.

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To get detailed information about your treatment, you can fill out our consultation form, call directly by phone or reach our Whatsapp line (+90 544 348 07 87). Our consultants will present the most suitable treatment option for you.

aesthetic dentistry in Turkey

What Should be Considered in Aesthetic Dentistry?

Aesthetic Dentistry

Everyone wants to have a smile; but not every person can be lucky in this regard. Although you are lucky people who have not been treated with orthodontic braces, dark spots on your teeth caused by habits such as coffee and smoking, breakage and general dirty appearance due to these factors may occur.

In the past years, there was not much that could be done to restore the appearance of the teeth, other than cleaning the teeth. However, in the last 25 years, developments in the field of technology in dentistry have enabled the person to make teeth that are as strong as the original and strong against colour changes.

If you want to beautify your smile and make your changes; Be sure that you are living in the best period in the time that has come and gone so far and aesthetic dentistry applications are quite popular with every procedure …

There are a few things you should consider before making a decision first;

  • Your treatment may be costly. You should allocate a good budget for quality aesthetic dentistry services.
  • Many dental aesthetic applications are not covered by insurance.
  • The materials used in the applications are destructible. Porcelains, fillings and laminates are very durable and strong structures; but they don’t last forever. They may break, crack, or the substance of the applied sealant may become weak. If you have reached the age of 70, the lifetime of your restorations is quite long.
  • The materials used are not indestructible. Porcelain crowns, inlays and laminates are much stronger and more durable than they are now, but they cannot last forever. They may break or crack or the filler used may become weak. If you are 70 years old, your restorations are likely to last longer than you. If you are at a young age, this process may need to be repeated every 10-15 years.
  • It is important to be realistic. In aesthetic dentistry applications; specialist dentists use the materials used very well. They can shape and polish the materials used to make them truly eye-catching.
Aesthetic Dentistry in Turkey
Aesthetic Dentistry in Turkey

It is important to be realistic. Dentists who are experts in aesthetic dentistry procedures can adapt the materials used very well, shape and polish the materials used to be truly impressive.

But this situation; It does not mean they can change the structure of your mouth, the color of your skin, or your general appearance. In order for dental aesthetic applications to look natural and pleasant, they must adapt to you. Aesthetic dentistry procedures improve your appearance and contribute positively to you; but it doesn’t completely change your view. Except for exceptional circumstances, when you decide to have your teeth done, you shouldn’t expect your whole life to change.

Smiling better and more expressively; It will make significant contributions to your social and business life; but one should have realistic expectations. Your specialist dentist will guide you about what can be achieved with these applications and to determine the limits.

Digital Smile Design and Aesthetic Dentistry

Thanks to the developments in computer technology, it is possible to see the before and after conditions of your teeth before treatment begins. This method, called Digital Smile Design, allows the dentist to give you detailed information about the treatment you want.

Using this technology, the dentist can show how your tooth will look after the treatment you want by projecting the image of your tooth on the screen and making corrections on it. You should be aware that this process may not be very simple or quick and may have an extra cost.

Imaging may not be required either. If you are going to fill a fracture or narrow your teeth, you can estimate the results without a computer screen. Imaging may be useful if you are considering a more complex procedure.

An additional issue is that since the images created in digital smile design are 2-dimensional, they may not give the feeling of 3-dimensional depth that will actually occur.At this point, you should know that the image to be obtained is useful only for “getting an idea”. You can meet it by making a mockup (this is called a mockup) and applying it with an acrylic substance in your mouth on your teeth if possible.

Today, many dentists use these technologies or receive this service from the laboratories they work with.

Beautiful as new

Although dentists have made aesthetic restorations for years, the materials used, such as old composite fillings, can crack and fade over time.

New composite materials and porcelain veneers are much stronger than before and can withstand discoloration much longer. 10-20 years ago, people with broken teeth either lived like this or used the time-consuming and expensive porcelain crown treatment.

Although porcelain crown applications are still used in the anterior teeth; It is possible to repair minor defects, fractures and damaged teeth with composite filling and to match the colour to neighboring teeth, in cases where more serious aesthetic problems and expectations are high, porcelain laminate application gives the highest level of results if all conditions are suitable.

There are also imaging techniques that enable dentists to design digital smiles on the computer screen. The patient who wants to be treated can see the results before making his decision. Since this imaging technique is relatively new, its prevalence may be less.

Smile Makeover

Different Options

Intermittent or broken teeth can be corrected with composite fillings (also referred to as bonding procedure). For example, your dentist can repair the damaged area with composite filling (bonding process). Said composite is available in various colours.

The composite material shaped by the dentist instantly hardens when a special blue halogen or LED light is applied. It can be sanded, smoothed and polished until your teeth get their original colour.

The point that should not be forgotten in composite fillings (bonding) is that the essence of the material is a plastic-based filling material, although its optical and physical properties are increased, it is not a material with high optical properties as porcelain, its biggest advantage is that it can be touched less tooth tissue and can be applied to small areas. .

The most popular aesthetic dental treatments are composite filling (bonding) to the anterior teeth, tooth whitening and porcelain veneers.

There are many aesthetic treatments that can be done according to your needs. For example:

Stained or faded teeth: The enamel covering the tooth may stain and the lower layer, dentin, becomes yellow over time. Whitening is a good option for healthy teeth, as long as it is not overdosed.

Fractures: These areas can be filled with tooth-coloured material called composite (bonding). The colour of the composite can be matched to your teeth, and when smoothed and polished, it will have the same colour as the surrounding surfaces.

Cavities or Cracks: Although amalgam filling is a good solution for back teeth, most people do not want metal to appear in their mouths when they smile. In addition to aesthetic concerns, the inhalation of mercury in amalgam and its constant presence in the mouth also brings many risks and question marks, but for those who have the opportunity to achieve better, composite fillings, porcelain onlays or crowns made with the right technique and application are better alternatives.

Unequal teeth: It is not uncommon for a tooth to be longer than those next to it. With the process called cosmetic reconturing, the dentist can correct the shape of the tooth and use it for a long time with a nice polish without spoiling it.

Interdental space: Small spaces between teeth can be closed using composite filling material (with bonding). For larger openings, dentists recommend porcelain crowns or veneers.

Porcelain veneers are among the most expensive cosmetic treatments. It adheres to the front of the laminate tooth made of ultra-fine porcelain and gives a brand new appearance. The dentist can direct you to the orthodontist to correct the gaps. The method used to fill in the gaps depends on the image you want.

Broken or crooked tooth: If a tooth is broken or structurally weak, it may need to be restored with a porcelain crown. The crowns used in the front teeth today are made of full ceramic materials and are very similar to the real ones with a good workmanship. The crown can be full ceramic or metal ceramic. Both crowns give good results.

The techniques used to correct dental disorders are varied. Since there is no return before starting the treatment, a decision should be made carefully.

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