Emax Veneer in Turkey

EMax – Advantages, Prices, Procedure, Case

About Emax

EMax is a kind of full porcelain. It can be used as a substructure, porcelain on it, or it can also be made in one piece. Without using metal or zirconium infrastructure, it is a porcelain that increased durability and obtained by baking glass ceramic on a pressed ceramic crystal core under pressure. It consists entirely of ceramic. Full porcelain teeth can also be called.

Which teeth can Emax be applied to?

In the front zone where estheticism is important; cutter, small molar teeth and single tooth missing in this region, Emax tooth coverings are made.

Which teeth can not Emax be applied to?

In the great molars with chewing forces and the rear region of the teeth with increased lateral forces; E-max tooth coatings are not preferred in the front and back region restorations where multiple missing teeth are present side by side. In these cases, E-MAX coatings reinforced with zirconium tooth coatings or zirconium particles with aesthetic and higher resistance should be preferred.

In which situations is E-max done?

In the case of canal treated teeth that can not be obtained with whitening,
In teeth with impaired position,
In the antibiotic, fluorine use and age-related colorings,
In the teeth with congenital tissue and deformity,
In the range of teeth,
In teeth that have worn physically and chemically over time,

E-max can be done in multiple restoration necessities and smile design.

In which situations can the EMax crown / bridge prosthesis be applied?

EMax can be used for aesthetic purposes and in cases where cutting teeth, cuspid teeth and small teeth need to be coated. EMax bridge prostheses can be applied only on missing teeth.

What are the differences between Zirconium and EMax ?

Both EMax and zirconium are aesthetic dentistry applications. Since the light transmittances of EMax are higher than those of zirconium , EMax provide a more natural and aesthetic appearance. Besides, Zirconium are more durable than EMax. If there is more than one tooth missing, Zirconium bridge prostheses are applied because EMax bridge prostheses can not be applied due to their fragility.

emax porcelain veneer
Emax Veneer

Are there full porcelain applications other than Zirconium crown and EMax crown?

Many full porcelain materials have been developed in the field of dentistry, with the development of computerized design and production technology (CAD-CAM).

Why Zirconium / EMax prostheses have a better aesthetic appearance than metal-supported porcelain prostheses?

The base of the porcelain crown / bridge prostheses applied in the routine is a gray metal alloy. These metal-supported porcelain crown / bridge prostheses create a gray reflection in the gingival area, especially when applied to the anterior region teeth.

The gum appears to be gray. This view is due to the dissolution of the metal alloy in the bottom of the porcelain coatings over time and accumulation in the gum area.

Furthermore, due to the metal being the base, the porcelain’s light transmission is reduced and these restorations(coatings) appear in a dull matte color.

Due to these aesthetic problems, the use of Zirconium / EMax crown / bridge prosthesis has increased in recent years. In full porcelain prosthesis, the coatings can be made entirely of porcelain material without infrastructure or can also be made using a white background.

In addition, full porcelain restorations create a more natural and aesthetic appearance because the light transmission is very close to the natural tooth mine.

How to decide which full porcelain system will be applied?

A detailed clinical and radiological examination of the patient is performed, followed by the selection of the most appropriate material, and aesthetic applications are successfully performed.

Can Zirconium / EMax prostheses be used in individuals who are allergic to metal?

The use of metal-backed porcelain coatings in individuals who are allergic to metal can cause allergic reactions, and full porcelain coatings, as Zirconium / EMax, eliminate all these problems.

Can Zirconium / E-max prostheses be used in individuals who are allergic to metal?

The use of metal-backed porcelain coatings in individuals who are allergic to metal can cause allergic reactions, and full porcelain coatings, as Zirconium / E-max, eliminate all these problems.

How to care for full porcelain crown / bridge prosthesis?

Full porcelain fixed dentures should be routinely maintained to care by using toothbrushes and toothpaste as they are in natural teeth. Interfaces of dentures should be cleaned using SuperFloss type dental floss and especially interface brush. The annual routine dental check should not be suspended.

How much is the eMax price in Turkey?

Our eMax price in our clinics is £190, –

Would you like to know more about emax (full set of veneers) ? If you want you can reach us via Whatsapp.

Smile Design in Turkey

Smile Design Treatment Planning

A person’s smile is an essential part of non-verbal communication. With smiling, people make friends, find the love of their lives and even move up the career ladder. A healthy and beautiful smile will also affect the appearance and give a sense of self-confidence. But what about those who, for one reason or another, do not have a Hollywood smile? Modern smile design technologies and our experienced dentists will come to rescue.

What is smile design?

Each smile is private. Therefore, it is very important that it matches the proportions and shape of the face, personality and age of the patient. Smile Design is a modern technology in aesthetic dentistry that allows each patient, together with the dentist, to create the perfect solution for his/her smile.

The smile design allows our dentists to plan the restoration of the anterior teeth using an individual approach to each patient. It is very important that the technology allows the patient to directly participate in the process of creating their future smile.

Why do I need a smile design?

The smile design allows you to solve a number of problems related to the aesthetics and functionality of the teeth. Here is some of them:


  • Loss of anterior teeth;
  • Uneven or deformed teeth;
  • Atrophy of bone tissue and a change in the shape of the face;
  • Chips and cracks in the teeth;
  • Lack of gloss and unaesthetic color of enamel; etc.
  • In addition, the smile design enables the patient to communicate uninhibitedly and lead a familiar lifestyle, feeling self-confidence.
  • Hollywood smile makes you visually younger. This effect is achieved by changing the smile line, the height of the bite, the shape and color of the teeth.

How can I get a Hollywood smile?

smile design in turkeyOur dental clinic serves to not only local, but also foreign patients. Even being far from our clinic, you can already begin the process of obtaining a Hollywood smile with our help.

The first thing you need to do is to contact us by phone or by filling out a special form on the site. To design a smile, we need photos of your teeth that clearly show their structure and condition. In addition, in some cases, x-rays may be required. You can get it done at London CT Center.

After receiving and analyzing your dental photos, we will be ready to host you in our Dental Clinic Turkey. We provide airport shuttle services and accommodation for foreign patients.

Smile design stages

Like any process, the design of a smile involves several steps. The whole treatment process takes 5-7 days.

Stage 1: Diagnosis
Our dentist conducts a primary check-up and consultation, identifies the presence of problems and draws up a treatment plan.

At this stage, the dentist takes into consideration the wishes of the patient, discusses the appearance of a future smile. Next, we analyze the bite features, teeth shape, lip position and other parameters. Then we offer the patient the best option for a future smile in terms of aesthetics and functionality.

Stage 2: Preparing and Performing Permanent Model
All the data obtained in the previous steps are taken into account when making a model of your future Hollywood smile. This is the final stage of the smile design, during which the dentist fixes a new permanent model of teeth in the oral cavity.

It is worth noting that the smile design procedure is right for all patients over 20 years of age and has no special contraindications. The procedure is quick and convenient and does not require additional manipulations. The exception is the presence in the patient of gum disease, caries or tartar. In this case, before applying a new model of teeth, our dentists will conduct the necessary treatment.

Would you like to see our price list for Smile Design? Then call +90 (544) 348-0787 for quick contact and appointment.