all on 4

What is All On 4?

The All on 4 technique is a technique that has been used for 10 years and has a proven scientific success. In the technique, 2 implants are placed in the posterior regions of the jaws at an angle of 30 – 35 degrees, while the other 2 implants are placed on the front.

When the bone in the molar area of the lower jaw melts, the lower jaw nerve passing through it, and the maxillary sinuses in the upper jaw prevent implantation to these areas. Advanced surgical techniques are required to implant these areas, which means approximately 1 year of treatment time and high cost for the patient.

In the All on 4 technique, it gives the patient the chance to make a fixed prosthesis in front of these anatomical obstacles. In the All on 4 technique, patients have implants placed in the morning and temporary fixed prostheses in the evening.

After 3-4 months, permanent main prostheses are made. During this period, patients do not live without teeth at all.

How Is The Treatment Done?

In all on 4 treatment, measurements are taken from the patients before the treatment and temporary prostheses are prepared. Under local anesthesia, if the patient has teeth to be extracted, these are removed and their implants are placed. Temporary prostheses made by taking measurements from the patients’ implants are applied to these implants.

After All On 4

dental implants turkey all on 4
All on 4 Implants

The patients should use the medicines regularly and not eat hot&too cold for a few days. Dental implant patients with all on 4 should not eat hard foods under any circumstances during their temporary prosthesis period. Patients should definitely be fed a soft diet.

This is because the load on the dental implants is reduced. After 3 months, they can start normal food consumption in permanent prostheses.

What Are The Advantages Of All On 4 Implants?

We can list the advantages of All On Four implant treatment as follows:

  • It is a treatment method with a high success rate.
  • It helps prevent bone loss in teeth.
  • The treatment and recovery process is short and painless.
  • The operation is easier since no advanced surgical procedure is applied as in sinus lift surgeries.
  • Improved speech and chewing functions.
  • It is suitable for patients who have difficulty using removable prosthesis and have nausea reflex.
  • It provides an aesthetic appearance, laugh line and smile aesthetics that can be planned individually. The patient’s self-confidence increases with its aesthetic contribution.

Since the number of dental implants used is reduced and does not require additional surgical procedures, its cost is lower than conventional dental implants. Its design and usage is different compared to complete dental prostheses (palate). Since it does not cover the palate of the patient, it is easier to get used to and use.

Why is that?

The All-on-4 treatment concept is a technique in which fixed full jaw prosthetic restorations are performed on 4-6 implants on the same day as the surgical operation in patients who are toothless and will soon be edentulous. It provides patient satisfaction by taking into account function, aesthetics, taste, speech and self-confidence.

Treatment Time Is Too Short

It is the most important advantage of operation time and total treatment time. Angled placement of posterior implants prevents the need for bone grafts and loss of time.


The concept of all-on-4 treatment is not only a time-saving treatment method, but also a less costly method compared to traditional implant treatment methods in patients who will be edentulous and edentulous.

Best Results Even in Difficult Situations

Longer implants can be used by angling the posterior implants. This method increases bone-implant contact and prevents vertical bone augmentation. In addition, angled implants receive support from the anterior region with better bone quality and damage to anatomical structures is prevented.

Is All On Four Implant Surgery Painful?

The All On Four technique is a treatment that can be easily performed under local anesthesia. However, it can also be performed under sedation or general anesthesia in patients with advanced anxiety and dentist phobia.

What Is The Difference Of All On Four Implant With The Traditional Treatment Method?

All on 4 implants are an implant technique applied to patients with insufficient jaw bone. In the lower jaw and upper jaw molars region, osteoporosis is more common in patients who have had tooth extraction. Because of the sinus cavity in the upper jaw and the nerve that gives sensation to the lip in the lower jaw, implant construction here carries some risks.

If the amount of bone is small, bone regeneration is performed and implant is applied. This means a treatment period of approximately 9-12 months and a cost to the patient.

However, if the patients have bones in the anterior regions, it is possible to make temporary fixed prostheses on the same day by placing 4 implants in the upper and lower jaws using angled implants.

Traditional methods can be used if the patient has sufficient bone amount.

As a result, the difference from traditional implants is the treatment protocol created for fixed teeth in patients with limited or partial impairment of the jawbone.